This is true, but it only means we’re able to eat everything, it doesn’t mean we necessarily have to.
Why? Other animals kill other animals in order to feed from them, to protect themselves from them, etc… Why shouldn’t humans do it as well?
But, according to you, humans shouldn’t eat meat because the reality where meat comes from is extremely unnatural or because eating meat is just unnatural per se?
Go tell that to indigenous tribes in Africa who depend on their livestock for survival. You’re talking from a privileged viewpoint.
Okay. Is there any way of living that is ethical and moral and that allows consumption of meat?
This is debatable. Generally, when speaking about negative consequences of veganism, we associate it with lack of vitamin B12, which can only be found in animals. It can easily be, however, consumed via dietary supplements, and I believe that’s what most vegans do.
And money. Loads of it.
I’m open for a serious discussion, honestly, and if you want I can question most arguments pointed out in the videos you’ve provided and a few contradictions showed on them.
my opinion: veganism, waste of my time, do i respect those who are vegan? yes, do i support those who get to my throat to prove i’m a murderer? no, fuck off.
Well, again, same basic mistakes: how can we talk about a matter such as veganism without having discussed basic stuff such as what is moral or ethic? Why should animals not be killed and plants should? Weren’t we all equal. Oh and, Human beings are based on instinct, therefore the denial of it means the denial of the existence you have: Reason is not there to limit your instincts, but to serve as a tool to achieve them.
I’m sorry, but this is simply not true. Human actions are mainly based on intelligent decision-making processes, not instincts. That’s precisely what separates us from other animals.
I think what he means is something along the lines of “humans have survived so long due to their instincts, and our insticts have allowed us to become more intelligent.” and that without these instincts humans wouldn’t have grown to where we are today.
[size=12pt]I personally wouldn’t because the thought of eating an animal is repulsive, but yes that is an exception. Eating roadkill or an animal that died naturally in the wild doesn’t cause or support any abuse, exploitation of animals or cruelty to animals. Whether or not it’s respecful to the animal to eat it I personally think it’s not, but others may think differently. In the end I don’t think most vegans would eat any animal regardless of how it died because it’s generally an un-vegan thing to do.
I understand your perspective fully particularly the ethical aspects, I completely agree that a lot portion of the animal farming industry is not pleasant and could be considered unethical based on your ethical codes. If one deems ‘sentient’ life to be of value then the deontological thing to do is to not harm them where it is possible to do so.
The one thing that is irking me in particular is the health claims and the sources you are using. For me, the only sources I will generally respect are the ones reserved for university referencing: independently peer reviewed journal articles, and scientific studies with sufficient evidence to support their hypotheses. Generally documentaries, and of all things youtube videos I wouldn’t consider reliable information. Websites that are vegan-geared (and pro animal industry supported of course) would also make discerning the reliable information difficult.
That is why I don’t like making a discussion about topics like these.
I understand all the arguments of why you should become a vegan, and I respect your decision to be one, but I can’t even go vegetarian for 1 simple reason: meat tastes too good.
Like, sure, it’s bad that animals are kept in shitty conditions before they are killed for their meat, but I care more about my food being tasty.
You also need to consider that without people wanting to eat meat, most of these animals would be largely extinct or extremely endangered. The only reason they’re not is that they’re so useful to us for food.
What about organic/free range livestock? Why should vegans abstain from eating that? If anything, it will help the animal population, because organic/free range livestock is pricier to raise it is also pricier to sell, and if buyers consitently buy it then buisness will make the investment into having more organic/free range animals.
[size=12pt]Free range is a complete myth, if you look up the reality of “free range” chickens for example, they’re confined in crowded sheds just like animals on conventional factory farms. Chickens are still de beaked without anesthetic and male chicks are still killed because they’re useless to the egg industry. “Free range” animals are still artificially insemenated (which is rape, the industry literally calls it a “rape rack”) Once their bodies give out from being used by humans repeatedly day in day out, they all go to the same place in the end, the slaughter house to have their throats slit, and their bodies dismembered. There’s not enough room on planet earth for farmed animals to be truly free range, we would need multiple earths. As far as free range helping the animals population, I don’t know how you got to that conclusion. Organic and free range are just words to help people feel better about their choices.
Unfortunately species are being driven to extinction so these industries can stay alive. The amazon rainforest is being destroyed by animal agriculture and is the leading cause of species extinction and habitat destruction. Whether or not farmed animals go extinct if we stop artificially creating them and slaughtering them doesn’t justify the cruelty they go through today.
Would you personally consider meats grown via lab processes a vegan food item (under the assumption that the process to produce the lab-grown meat is ethical in the sense that animals are not harmed)? Why/Why not?
*For your reference i’m not really wondering if you’d personally eat it, I am asking if you’d personally consider it a vegan food-stuff.
Not that I’m saying everyone should go vegan/vegetarian, but for maybe 1 or 2 days out of the week you could eat no meat. This is more for environmental benefits instead of a moral one. Cows especially are really bad for the environment with the methane gas they produce along with all the resources they need . Meat is tasty and humans are meant to eat it, but maybe we could limit our demand for them by just a bit.
Ah, jesus. Thought I might view the forums casually…
What happened to “agreeing to disagree?” Honestly, and I’m experienced with this because I’ve seen a lot of these posts on the forums, but what were you thinking would happen? Obviously people who have made their own dietary choices for their entire life are not going to be swayed by a PCB post and it doesn’t seem like you’re very open for discussion either?
Sort of confused here.
On the other hand, that’s a really interesting question @Wairoa .