Valandian Castles Contest

People of Valandia! Our kingdom has grown and prospered impressively! Commerce is flourishing, new residents are coming in every day and as a result we are becoming more powerful every day. However, large parts of our territory remain unoccupied. This poses a serious threat to our security.

As a result, I, King Guibo I “the Chicken Slayer”, King of Valandia, Mayor of Valandia, Lord Protector of all Valandians and Supreme Leader of Oak and Birch Trees launches a contest!


  1. Build an awesome castle within the Valandian Forest!
  2. Residents and non-residents may participate!
  3. You can build your castle on your own or with a team mate, team mates will have to share their prize between themselves.
  4. Try to build far away from the towns!
    5 You have until the end of October.
  5. Tell me on the thread if you want to participate.


1st price: 1000$
2nd price: 500$
3rd price: 250$


King Guibo I “The Chicken Slayer”


Map: (You can only build within the Kingdom)

looks like its time to rebuild Hyrule Castle

I think the 13th is too soon. It’s going to be very difficult unless you have a lot of resources and if you can’t fly. I might enter though.

Ok ok, I’ll move it to the end of the month than. For halloween! :slight_smile:

By forest do you mean the snow forest or the forest forest. And which direction from valandia constitutes our territory?

Map uploaded! Tell me guys if you want to participate! Money money money to be won!

I’ll be taking part! If anybody wants to join me that would be fine. :slight_smile:

Guys I need more participants! Or Octo will win the 1000$ for sure!

I wanted too :frowning:

Contest close!
Octopus won 1000$! Yeeeah!

Yeeeeeaahhhhh! Team Octo for the win! ;D

OH MY GOD, how am I just now finding out about this??!