
Is the server going to be upgrading to 1.12.1?

The only reason why I asked if they were is because its annoying when you have to add a different version just to connect to the server (or any server for that matter).

If they supported something like version 1.12 to 1.8 it would be a lot easier then we can connect without having to do all this.

If we added a cross compatibility feature and made PCB 1.8 accessible we would lose access to concrete and concrete powder, and several other blocks. All in all not a worthy trade.

Rusty, ask simple questions like this in-game. The answer is that you can update your profile as long as the version is in 1.12, or else a version like 1.13 would require the server’s plugin updating. Some of your posts, like asking what are a player’s favorite video games or what it’s like owning a server, is worth asking on the forums, but others are so simple, they can be answered in-game, or by looking around on the website. If you persist on posting topics asking questions on the forums that would rather be asked in-game, I will remove the topic.

For now we’re staying at our current version.

You also need to be mindful of where you post your threads in the forums.
This thread should be under support or suggestions, not general.