Update to 5.5.10

Just letting everyone know that I have updated the McForge server to the latest release. It seems this release did break something though… IRC is down. It was crashing the server every time it started. I will look into fixing this at a later time.

Changelog for
-New interface for the /eco command and system
-’/eco setup apply’ added to apply the eco settings changed in Economy.properties (owner and console only)
-/eco stats has now additional info: Total spent, Recent purchase, Recent payment, Recent Receivement, Recent fine
-Offline support for the Economy system
-Offline support when using /give, /take, /pay and /money
-When using /jail [player] the player returns to the jail automatically after a relog
-The new MCForge Protection System
-Option in server.properties to choose a protection level: Off/Mod/Dev
-MCForge Devs, Mods and GCMods now have an additional fixed title
-Added GUI for Economy Settings under the Properties/Misc tab
-Changed the tab Verification/spam to Security and added the option to change Protection Level in GUI
-!!!Fixed /xundo!!!
-/money and /eco stats without [player] shows personal stats
-/eco setup rank [maxrank] can’t be set to greater ranks than yourself
-No colors in the title allowed when buying a title
-When player has a color and gets ranked, the color remains intact without a relog
-Title + color fix after a rank
-Title + titlecolor fix in general
-Server.properties alignment improvements
-Fixed issue where Console couldn’t use /give and /take
-Fixed issues where Console tries to use /eco, /money and /take
-Minor bug fixes
-/eco setup map edit dimensions [x] [y] [z]
-using /money on a player ranked higher, because /eco stats shows stats for all players
-the old staffprotection system, which was spread throughout the source

/moved to classic server =p

WOW Thats great!!!