University and Inactivity

As many of you know, I got into university a while ago.Well, I’m now here. Got here 2 weeks ago.

I’ve been inactive preparing stuff to come here for a while and then of course now that I’m here, I’ve been super busy with Freshers week, getting to know people etc and now that my lectures have started, work will soon begin to increase also. This all means I will be on the forums less than usual.

In addition to this, I don’t think I can actually get on the server at all.
As I’m living at University, I’m using their internet which has pretty high security on it. In order to play any online games I have to request ports to be forwarded through the network firewall which is easy enough. However, I have a limit of (I think) 20 ports. Steam needed either 19 or the full 20 (not entirely sure which).

I may be able to forward just the one port but again, I’m not sure. If it doesn’t work then I wont be on the server at all apart from weekends when I’m at home. I’ll do my best to keep an eye on the forums when I can though!

No worries, liam. We got this. Just be sure to get on for Trick or Treating and such later this month

Though you needed those ports for steam, are you saying nobody else is using steam and had those ports open already? Odd.
Anyway, we will be glad to have you here any time.

Seems to need more than 20 for all steam services.

There was a page from the uni that gave a set up that works for most games apparently, so I just used that. I’m not entirely sure how it works but you have to do it for every computer you want to use it on. I tried forwarding the default minecraft ports (25565 tcp and udp) to see if it works. They approve/deny requests every morning so I’ll try to get on tomorrow as a test.