
Today the beautiful town of Truffle got a warp. We are the 2nd town to get a warp right beside Yomi and her town Vos. Side note


Its kind of funny because Voss is a star wars planet full of blue people and ancient beings called Mystics.

So you are probably wondering why the name Truffle? If you look at these pics then u will see the places kind of look like Chocolate. They are also very luxurious so Chocolate + luxurious = Truffle.

What is a Truffle?
Truffles are a circle of Chocolate that are usually pretty pricey. Inside these round chocolates are a warm luxurious filling. I think that my town is like truffles for they are beautiful outside but a warm inviting inside.

Now time for some awesome screenshots: This is the town flag town park back round river view a few of our town homes another back round view

Special shout out to dxg1997 for this amazing screenshots! If you want to get some screenshots from him he has a photography business talk to him about it!

Nice :smiley:

Nic e pics!, Just an FYI- truffles are actually a type of fungus that grows underground - albeit a very expensive fungus. :wink:

Looks Good

It also could be the name of a dog…

aand it can only be found by Pigs =) thats what makes it soo pricy

oops, did i post in here?

I love how those pics have a super HD texture pack and then just the 16x16 diorite/andesite/granite textures to ruin it a bit :stuck_out_tongue:

And dogs…

The dead pixel on my screen is just in the right position so I thought it said Truffie.

[size=14pt]TRUFFLE UPDATE!

So today We are releasing our new Commercial District! There will be plots of 10x10 and soon to come a stip mall.

Rules of Commercial District:

[ul][li]You may have your home on the top floor of your shop[/li]
[li]No going over the accepted plot size[/li]
[li]make your build look as modern as possible[/li]
[li]Put your name and the name of the business on a sign on your claimed plot and wait for a ok from Godsjedi12315 (myself) [/li]
[li] Same Rules apply here as they do from the market[/li][/ul]

I may update this if needed :slight_smile:

Sorry for the bump in a old post BTW

Just an FYI, many of the OP’s and SOP’s will not be fixing grief in Truffle due to it’s proximity to Spawn.

What does Truffle’s proximity to spawn has to do with it?

It is basically the closest town to spawn so it is the first this guests see when they join the server. and about 1/4 of new guests are griefers so ya I get a lot of grief :stuck_out_tongue: thnx for the FYI madant :slight_smile:

Not that I wouldn’t help if it was bad, it is just those pain in the butt, one or two block griefs, or crops and animals etc. Didn’t mean to come across as a jerk. Just a market may lend itself to even more grief :slight_smile:

ah no your fine :slight_smile: I do know that my town is a little close to spawn. see when I made the town it was like the 2nd day of the reset and me and AG got caught up in the moment and wanted to build a town ASAP

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