[right]Category: Survival Server[/right]
It is time for a treasure hunt! Do you know where this image was taken? The first 3 players to find this spot can activate the portal and claim their $1000 $500 reward. If no players find the spot in the next few days another clue will be released. This should be an easy one to find.

Wonder where your money from the lucky dip goes? Towards games like this! Good luck hunting.
Edit: Changed the reward to $500. There is enough money in the lottery pool for 9 people to discover it.
D: I am so not going to be able to get on soon enough to play this. I wish i was already at home able to play on the server so i could find this. 
I found it
i wrote down the coords but for the sake of the game I’m not giving them away. Thanks spec 
Well i already found this thing, but now i gota wait like 8 hours before i can go and claim my prize. D: I hope everybody kinda doesn’t try to find this. DX That’s the only way ima be able to get to it and claim any prize money.
ooooo… imma go try and find this now… =D i like this Special… just be sure to do a new one everynowandthen
I would actually be able to play this if this wasn’t on a school day, or even just after school. I still have like 7 hours before i can even attempt to go and claim this prize.
Lets hope i can at least be the last one to find this.
Is the next one gona be like i the air or something? 
Aww, no more 1000 dollars.
Does that mean that ouhai got 500 removed from his account?
sssshhhhhh, you’re not meant to mention that bit 
Found it wootttotototototowoooooot
DX I only have like another 30 minutes before i can go and look for that. And i know exactly where it is. This school, can’t believe i had found where it was in the first few minutes of school and then had to wait hours to be able to go and claim the prize. This money could really help me pay for my new market place.
[move][size=36pt]FOUND IT!!![/move]
Somehow only 2 people found it in the 8 hours i was at school.
I was the last one. ;D
Crap wish this wasn’t on a school day >.>
Me and Vladen32 ran across it today