Transit System

Good morning, Friends,

This server is very spread out and very disconnected in terms of transportation. I would like to propose the application of inter-city and inter-regional transit through the use of warp signs. This will allow for a more varied method of transportation between locations, specifically those without warps. These transit systems would have to be complete, meaning that you’d have to build a rail line between two cities with stations on both ends. Same with buses and roads. If permissible, we could even develop a road standard for national and regional roads, sort of like the Interstate and Highway systems in the United States. These are simply ideas that could possibly open server transportation up ten-fold. Please, leave your thoughts below, as well as any questions.

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I like this, it reminds me of how a server I used to play on, PersianWorldMC (now dead, don’t ban me) handled transport.
Basically, if it’s road, you connect the cities with a road and build a bus or something in each city, and have a warp sign in the bus that takes you to the busses next stop. That way you can have inter city and international travel through signs.

The only concern is cluttering up the warp list, in which case I’d suggest a custom warp sign plugin that stores the teleportation information for signs in a different place.

I think this sort of idea minus the sign warps has been attempted like 5 times now and not once has it worked out.

Nobody would ever agree on a single standard system, which is one problem
and the people responsible for the projects would ultimately give up and it would never finish.

Dont mean to crap on the idea but it hasn’t worked well in the past

See, I can understand why. Which is why I also suggest the formation of privatizing the venture. Private rail and bus, even ferry companies, can be set up with warp signs by individual players. That way, it isn’t only limited to a set group of people. Anyone can set one up and begin the venture. Of course, there would be a learning process as to how to get it to work efficently, specifically with construction, and I would be happy to help teach people some easy ways to construct rail lines with or without world edit. This is simply something I thought could be interesting. Moreover, if you really don’t think people would be dedicated to it, then allow myself and maybe three or four others to manage the system. That way there is more than one person who can help expand the system.

One centralized transit system is not a good idea because it takes away a lot of land potential for other users. This server has always encouraged players to connect their cities via multiple channels such as rails, highways, boatways, etc. This sort of stuff is already existent, and you will see that many users are actually already in the process of connecting their cities together. A lot of players don’t have a priority to connect, rather the priority is on their own city’s expansion plans.

If you look at the dynmap, perhaps you won’t see super large highways, however if you look close enough you’ll see exactly what I’m saying. If you have your own city in the making it is encouraged and welcomed that you reach out to your neighbor cities and come up with connection plans so long as you are in agreement. There’s no need to make a long super-highway or massively-constructed rail system at this time because there’s still plenty of space in the map and it would be wasteful to take away land from other users who are both expanding and considering unused land for their own doing.