TP off


  1. You probably won’t get tptoggle. If non-staff tping to you annoys you, kindly ask them to stop, and they should. If they don’t, tell a staff member.

  2. Trusted shouldn’t be tping to people to check on them. Your primary function in the server is to play the game and follow the rules, and be a role-model for the other players. If you spot a grief, then sure, report it, but you don’t need to waste your time actively seeking it out. That’s the staff’s job.

  3. If you are trusted, and know someone doesn’t like having people tp to them all the time, use your common sense and use a tpa.

Can we play nice now?

Just a Quick blerb from me,

I believe trusted has/had tp toggle. If i understand this plugin correctly, any admin (staff) that is a higher rank than said player can avoid the tp toggle if its on.

In other words, anyone higher than trusted/donator can bypass the tp toggle rule

no, that is not how it works, cause as a SOP, when Fer has his Tp toggled off, i have to use /tpo to tp to him, or tp him to me, Not that big of a deal, but that is the way it works, and i dont believe, atm, that Mods or Ops have the /tpoveride command.

I couldnt remember /tpo so i just left that out. But yeah that command