
Introducing: Hong Kong 2.0!
Erm, sorry, I meant:

But yes, it is based on Hong Kong.
As you can see in the foreground, there’s the MTR (Mass Transit Railway), and there are many high-capacity
human storage facilities, also known as flats and apartments, for people to inhabit. On the right is a shopping
centre in the stage of being built, and everything else, apart from the train station, is full of rent-able housing.
[size=14pt]Mayor: YoshiBoy13
Director of Builds: florspeed
Adamsmob, theborgmeister
Yupino, LewTGM, Todd1294
Claudia, paulkullman, drecklon
Cortwade, TheCostaRules

[size=18pt]The coordinates are -5510/65/-1490, so come check it out sometime!
Alternatively, send me an in-game /mail to apply for building!

Note: 人口 means “population” in Chinese.
[size=18pt]Warp Approvals
[size=14pt]1: Wairoa (26 April)
2: Amphitryon (26 April)
3: Madant79

I’m guessing this is in creative?

Yeah, I wouldn’t be one to waste iron blocks like that.

Yes yes yes yes. Get me on board! I’d love to help (and am visiting HK in July)

Fun bit of trivia: One should not confuse “人口” with “入口” - the former means “population”, while the latter means “entrance”.

Alas, Mandarin is such a riddling language.

I was thinking to myself before this post “Should I tell Yoshi his city actually means entrance? Don’t want to disappoint him, but…”

Goddamn it, Mandarin ;D

ummm pretty sure 人口 means population …

“人” and “入” are slightly different.

In the first character, the vertical line goes 180 degrees straight.

In the latter character, the line curves to the left a bit.

Note: Renkou is conveniently northwest of Tar Valon. Tar Valon is conveniently northwest of Arborwood Creeks. I’m proposing a Burnton Line expansion to there, and perhaps from there to Sunshine Valley.

Ah, if I wasn’t so lazy :stuck_out_tongue: Nah, sounds great. I’ll ask Angel about it if he hasn’t seen it.

In glagolics :wink:

Well, many thanks to @TheOctopus for worldediting all the tunneling for us! ;D

Now that the Burnton Line is finished all the way up to Renkou, it is the longest on the server - measuring 14.4km from tip to tip, and taking a total of half an hour to travel all the way. Group hug!

Current Warp Approvals:
[size=12pt]Wairoa, Amphitryon, Madant
[size=24pt]Yay! Happy warp fun times for everybody! at /warp renkou

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