Top Gear - Jeremy Clarkson

For those of you who don’t know th BBC’s Top Gear is one of my favourite shows. I know many others of you also love Top Gear. Sadly we have just recieved news that Jeremy has been dropped for the Top Gear team and it is said the other two hosts (Richard Hammond and James May) may also leave. This could be the end of Top Gear, making today a very grave day in history…

However all may not be lost, Jeremy did hint about going over to ITV (possibly with the other two hosts) and starting another show similar to Top Gear, more info is yet to be realised. I do realise many people won’t care, however i just wanted to let y’allo know whats happening :slight_smile:

Heres the BBC’s report:

It’s all very silly.

I mean, Clarkson was a complete bellend, but entertaining. He was completely wrong to punch the producer, but apparently he had complained about that producer not doing his job or listening to anyone else numerous times in the past. That’s not an excuse, but the producer sounds like he was partially to blame.

They’ll go to another channel, the BBC will lose a fuck ton of money, and whatever the new programme is will be super popular because of this controversy.

As for Clarkson’s past mistakes, most of them were blown way out of promotion. He used the word slope, and people complained he was being racist… I didn’t even know that was a potentially racist term until people complained, but hey! Britain is waaaaaaaaaaaay to politically correct. Chill out people…

Still, Clarkson fucked this up himself, but it is a shame.

I really liked topgear… D:

Thanks for the explanation liam

I wouldn’t take that as an explanation, it’s more my opinion on it. In short, I disagree with what he did and can’t really argue with the decision to sack him, however he probably shouldn’t have been on a final warning in the first place because previous “offences” were mostly incredibly minor.

Read the BBC report in the first post for detailed information. :slight_smile: