"Too Boring" - Looking for ideas to spice up my building

I made this skyscraper with the intent to get it moved into Big City. I thought it was nice, but was told by @Ouhai_Ruby that it was too boring. Any have any suggestions for making it less boring, besides doing an interior.

Needs more fire and explosions.

Also I can’t see the building with the amount of glass there.

In all seriousness maybe add some patterns? Change some areas of the glass to actual walls so you can give it more detail? I don’t know just some thoughts.

Put something inside the building like offices etc.

If in doubt more foliage

give a bit of orange and blue =) or red and black

I must admit when you look at the pictures it does look a bit unloved, empty, abandoned…
poor building yes you do need to spice it up somewhat.

All in all

and maybe do something cool with red stone? Think outside of the box or… Go watch some Keralis :stuck_out_tongue:

and cause lag

maybe add some more colors.

Way more better than my attempt last map, instead of using stained glass I used Lapiz XD

I remember that… 0_0

You always need some of z lag Mr. Carrot :wink:

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