Timelord's Cool Class!

Good day, everyone and I will be hosting a class. The class will be fighting mobs.
Please tell me your thoughts and tell me if you would like to sign up. I will keep you updated.
Thank you :slight_smile:

Lesson 1:

Left click repeatedly.

It’ll be more than that!

Lesson 1: Left click and jump. Repeatedly.

Trust me.

My mother always told me to never trust a stranger.


“Cool class…”


Lesson 1: Fly and left click

Advanced classes: /butcher

Hints and tips: /fly, /god

What would we do without a pet broderp running around the forums?

Gee this isn’t going too well…

Technically it was still on topic though.

Shut up and appreciate the gif.

Fine it’s not attacking mobs its studying them.
Happy now? >:( :-\

It’s been over a month. Don’t necro.