The use of the words "fag" and "faggot"

So I have noticed a steady rise of the use of the word “fag” and “faggot”, to me, this is not okay. As a homosexual individual I have been bullied and beat up, while being called a “fag”, “faggot”, an other variations of it. I understand that the server has free speech, but to me, its offensive. I understand that people are (mostly) saying it as a joke, but it still isn’t very funny for other persons. I may be over reacting (you can tell me if I am) but its really not funny.

Hello there,
I honestly think ‘fag’ or ‘faggot’ when used in the wrong context is disgusting and I can assure you staff (including myself) will kick/warn players if those words are used in a wrong manner.

Also you’re not over-reacting at all to be honest. I’m just as tired seeing it too.

Before anyone else posts, I just want to say that if this thread becomes a raging pissing match with people constantly offending each other like it has happened countless times before whenever someone brought topics like these into discussion, the thread will be immediately locked.


I understand if someone says it out of context as a blind insult, but its still very very terrible. If you know the meaning of the word(s), you wouldnt use it. If you use it as in insult, youre either dumb as a brick and dont understand, or youre an asshole who can and WILL be punished.

I’m all for free speech, but if youre using slurs like these and/or insulting people, you have another thing coming.

as an advocate for the LGBT community i think these words are horrendous, yes free speech exists but used in the wrong context it can be hurtful and an ugly word. and those who say it shall be in my opinion talked to and in the future kicked, banned or etc

There has to be a line where we determine free speech vs. hate speech on this server and I definitely think those words cross the line. I will do my best to justly warn/kick/ban those who use those words. Thank you for bringing this up.

I will also quote this just as a reminder to keep this thread civil.

I’m in favor of free speech, but I am tired of hearing the two said word. Also, not only the two words annoy me, but the other word Will loves saying (B…) also annoys me. No one’s opinion (including mine) should stop anyone from saying what they want. But, you should get to know the people around you, before saying an offensive word, because it could lead the group into using violence.

I think that these offensive words may phase out of people’s minds on how they interpret words, in a couple of decades, or even centuries, but for now, they don’t.

Let me just say something.

If someone is kicked or banned for saying something, free speech isn’t being violated.

Free speech would be violated and would only be violated if we were a government and arresting the perpetrator.

Unfortunately, we’re not the government (dammit) so free speech is not going to be violated regardless of circumstances.

It’s context that matters.
IMO, if someone is using is as a derogatory name for a homosexual, that is not OK, but if it’s being used as a generic insult, it’s fine. It doesn’t necessarily mean gay. From it’s Wikipedia page: “(Faggot) may also be used as a generic insult, for example, ‘idiot,’ although more offensive in nature.”

I would not support a ban on these words, especially as both of them have completely harmless meanings in the UK. ‘Fag’ is slang for cigarette, and a ‘faggot’ is a kind of meatball. (Admittedly I can’t see that 2nd one being used very often, but still).


Let me just say that what these 5 have described isn’t free speech.

Below are a few actual definitions of free speech

[details=“Spoiler”]Google’s definition:

the right to express any [b]opinions [/b]without censorship or restraint.

the right of people to express their [b]opinions [/b]publicly without governmental interference, subject to the laws against libel, incitement to violence or rebellion, etc.


Freedom of speech is the right to communicate one's [b]opinions [/b]and [b]ideas [/b]without fear of government retaliation or censorship.


the legal right to express one's [b]opinions [/b]freely

And Amnesty International even go out of their way to correct the mistakes on this page:

Free speech is the right to say whatever you like about whatever you like, whenever you like, right? Wrong. 'Free speech is the right to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, by any means.'

Ideas and opinions can so easily be given without these words, it begs the question, why not try to not use these words?

Well known fact about me: I hate swearing
Little known fact about me: I’m same-sex attracted [For those who know me IRL can we keep this under wraps]

Seeing as

  1. there’s people out there who could be offended by it (inc. myself, Gypsy, not just the 23 4-10% of the population covered by “LGBTQ+”, but people with friends, relatives, etc.), even if that wasn’t the intention
  2. no human rights are violated by enforcing not saying them
  3. It’s not that hard to avoid these words

Avoiding it seems like the clear answer to me.

We might even be able to get some better comedy without it:


lol i’m not on the LGBTQ+ spectrum but i am a huge advocate for LGBTQ+ Rights.

It’s in the rules pretty clearly:
4. Keep it PG-13 within reason.
· We exercise Freedom of Speech, but within limits and reason. We won’t usually punish users for swearing/cussing. However, excessive swearing is not allowed (as stated above)
· Racial slurs and/or downright disgusting vocabulary will receive swift punishment, as will images depicting pornography, drug use, and/or murder.

If the words are being used as a racial slur, then its not okay. Staff may give warnings first, but depending on how the words are used, it can be an insta-ban, even if just temporary. “He is such a fag” is not okay ever. I can’t really think of a sentence using either word as being okay.

I don’t want to start trouble, but if no staff are around and anyone sees abuse of the rules, they can screenshot for evidence. We do care.

Any means would include the usage of expletives. Thus it is covered in freedom of speech. But there’s a simpler argument that’s being overlooked:

If you’re relying on freedom of speech to back up what you’re saying, it’s the ultimate concession - you’re admitting that the most compelling thing you can say about your argument is that it’s not literally illegal to express. As Rich Burlew said:
“Also, as a rule of thumb, if you find yourself defending your inalienable right to make someone else feel like garbage, you’re on the wrong side of the argument.”

Food for thought.

[spoiler=Warning, contains expletive. Those not wanting to read “bullshit” should not open this image]

(also where’d you get 23% from?)

If someone is referred to as a fag with intent to hurt, and the receiver is actually offended by it, then that’s a problem. If someone is telling everyone how they love Mr Brain’s Pork Faggots in Rich West Country Sauce, then that’s fine.


idk, somewhere in the magical land of internet.

From my experience, you should only trust the statistics that help your point the most.


Well, firstly that’s the only of those 5 definitions that could suggest that swearing is covered, but “means” is ambiguous, and so with the other definitions in mind, to me it would make sense that “means” is covering speech, e-mail, internet, e.t.c.


concerning your simpler argument, this server has no obligation to be civil, but we try to do so. Implementing human rights in this context is a great way to go on being civil… wait… which side am I arguing for again?

Ok, but when they use those words in an insulting context, I don’t think they want to call the other person a cigarette or meatball, British or not…

I’ve never heard of faggot meatballs until today. They do sound very disgusting, though;

I don’t think people are referring to the meatballs when saying it.

My heart is filled with joy that you all are replying to my post! I have seen that people have said that “fag” and “faggot” mean different things in other countries, I understand that there is a wide variety of slang terms, often being tied to dialects, but, from around the 1950s “fag” and “faggot” became a derogatory term for homosexuals, or homosexual behaviors(mostly in the U.S, but has also been popularized through media, into all English speaking countries). I understand, that where you might live, it could not be a problem, but for me, and a large portion of this community, it means something, and it isn’t good! (No I am not triggered by it, but it might hurt someone else)I would like to thank all staff for taking this seriously and with absolute grace and poise! Thanks so much you guys, LOVE THIS COMMUNITY!

We sympathize with your points raised - yes you are right this term can be used in a variety of ways some good some not good.

We will of course watch out for it online being used and if we feel it is the incorrect way we will most certainly deal with the offender correctly have no worries about that.

We always do keep an eye on chat context and whether is it used correctly or not that is part of our job as staff.