Lately, since the fall of PCB, me and fatso have noticed the community has pretty much died.
This makes sense really, seeing as PCB is pretty much gone, but remember there is still
Me and fatso are doing our best to keep the PCB community going, so I am asking each of you to try to keep what was once an awesome community alive
You can do this by checking these forums regularly, going on Fallback when fatso’s connection isn’t dead (which is another cause of the community fail.) and i am trying to host the server when fatso cant.
Recently i have been on a server called Joutencraft, which is run by a former PCB’er. It is a city build also, and is doing quite well, I am a sop there so you will all be welcomed if you visit
PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT! WUTCHU TAWLKIN BOUT WILLIS?! PCB has never died, we’re just in a coma that’s all. We’ll get back! Oh and I plan to be on more. BETA IS ADDICTING! Anyway, I’ll see if I can find any PCBers.
Interesting! Well I know I have visited the forums everyday, do I get a prize too?
Anyway, every time I try to find the fallback server, it is not there. I know I live in a different timezone, being in California and all, but where are you guys?
Also, I have a copy of my lvl I would like to be reinstated into fallback. Please let me know what times you are usually up and running. I want to visit!
Today I have finals to do, so I may be busy… It’s a LAN networking presentation for a medium sized business.
Side note - I cracked the password for my math classes answer sheet. Why give us the sheet with only an 8 character password? Took 12 hours to crack (with a program). I don’t plan to use it. I’m just happy I was able to. Sorry, I’m a little evil… ;D Mua ha ha!
Same as Kyle currently has. Whenever I’m usually online, the fallback server is down. It’s only up on mornings here(GMT+8, 6:00AM onwards.).
Still, I already met Fatso and Jet there, and I was welcomed nicely. I’m currently building a really really huge building there, but since the server’s mostly offline for me I can’t get back to my project.
Anyway, I’ll still be around in this forum, and also at the fallback server. I want to contribute to the NewBigCity map as much as I can, just like what I did in the old one. Good Memories…
Ive put your map on the server for whenever you can get on, but yea, as of the last two weeks or so (since notch went away) the server has been having more and more trouble connecting correctly, i dont know if this is down to me or, but i am trying to figure out what the hells bells is going on XD.
hope to see you all on fallback at one time or another if i can get the server back up =]
Wow, its nice to see so many people are actually still here xD
Me and fatso both live in britain, you will have to ask him what times he will try to have the server up at, as im still having problems hosting atm.
Hip pip cheerio ya know? Govnahs, the reason me, The Fonz, hasn’t been on is because of homeworkamundo and the server isn’t upamundo. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeey.