So here what’s the problemo: Awww bought an apartment from me by the house sale sign… around 125$ but when he bought it, he got his money subtracted while i don’t got any penny at all… then Meta came up, which i told it, He give me the 125$ missing. But then when i gone to the server money info of players… It seems that my account have 250$ more, which is 125$ more than my in game… It’s getting me confused
IM pretty sure it was made clear that the house plugin was never fixed due to hard not being on. We never confirmed the house plugin ever being fixed.
PS: Since it was never fixed… why do we still have the plugin enabled?
Josh, remember when i told you about this and we tested it. It didn’t work…
Yeah this plugin was never working since the start of 1.8
Apologies that if it wasn’t clear in an announcement or temporarily mentioned at the spawn/market, however the deal is PCBhomes (which is the plugin we use for players to sell homes to others) Is broken. We encourage you not to keep toying around with it since there’s a chance the seller will not get their money. For now you can put signs on property with the price and the owner that way buyers know who to /mail or /msg if they are interested.
The staff understands these issues and we have been trying to work through the economy plugins and additionally finding ways to allow players to make an income. We have been on a hiatus for big changes since a lot of staff have been finishing up with bigger things in their personal lives so please bear with us. Summer is only just starting for some of us so Do expect change.
and of course if you have any suggestions to help fix these issues, please make suggestions in the proper section of the forum. We may be critical of your ideas, but keep in mind we know what will and won’t work in the longrun
In order to get the [OWNER] sign just right, I always put up a message me to buy this house sign up instead, and when they buy it, I put up a [FOR SALE] sign with 0 price that they can use.