the mage's guild is among us!

Hello, everyone, its me, weeeee!(But you already knew that) My good buddies Superdomo2, and masterofassassin, have created a guild, of highly skilled mages! Currently, we are working to build a city for members of the guild, although we have the temporary main building outside prilaman’s town.
If you are interested in joining, contact us in game, and we will give you a trial to complete!

  • Head mage, masterofassassin;Head enchanter, superdomo2; and Head apotchery, weeeeeeee368.
    Catch you in game, friends!

Head enchanter, superdomo2*

Hard tuve Dreamhack, hard es numero uno. HUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHEUHUE.

hard has dreamhack, hard is number one. LaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaugh


Hard has the power to spanish D:

I think I would like to join this guild. I will provide all of my regent components and we can share what is made from it. Also, I am one of the few high-mages who can cast fireballs and lightning!

What Kyle said^
We can also disguise ourselves as mobs. And summon multiple creatures as we wish. (BWAHAHAHAHAH)
As long as I can keep my assassin skin, and be an assassin type magic mage guy.


I’d join this guild because of my skin, I’m a wizard i make potions and what not and I LIKE LIVING ON FLOATING TOWERS XD

Sheeps can do magic.

Like liam said, changing into various mobs and being able to spawn them is magic-y. we also have the power to change ANYTHING INTO GOLD!!! But I won’t be doing that because it’s survival.

And my magical sword sets things on fire. :smiley:

well, liam, ouhai, kyle, and whu when you see me in game gimmie a shoutout and ill think up some trial

I’m would like to join very much to join! You no like my mimeing? Then you shall perish!

My God! Did i kill this thread? :o

I don’t think it was you. I think the guild needs some guild activities or projects to keep us interested.