The Fall of Man- Declaration of War.

The great Dictator Ymb sits upon his throne, looking upon all the plebs that waddle about, aimlessly going about and not praising him such as he should be praised. Ymb takes a sip out of his goblet, enjoying its freshly tasting pepsi, looking towards his adviser of Foreign affairs to speak “Malik… Fetch a quill and some papyrus, I wish for you to write a declaration…” He speaks, in such a bold prideful tone. Malik nods, running out of the room, ymb brushing his beard until the adviser returns.

“Good… Now write down everything I say, and fix it up a bit, will you?”

As the great courageous dictator YMB spoke, so too did the adviser transcribed it within the piece of parchment. The adviser then sent the parchment to other scribes who rewrote it in mass to send about to other nation and city leaders. The parchment would read…

"Greetings underlings,
I have watched you all with much distaste over these pitiful long years, and it has come to my attention you all are rather leaderless. It sickens me to watch you all run freely, no knowledge of trade or defenses, your lack of discipline, so I shall teach you the ways of such. Live under the great kingdom of Amal, and you too shall learn the ways of being nobels, rather than the filthy plebeians that you are… Live as my vassels, and you shall be gifted well, but… Decline my offer of living under me, and you will find your cities reduced to ash and rubble, your people enslaved into hard labor, and your children forced into becoming meat shields upon the front lines of the great Amal military. It is best you take in consideration of both choices, for your peoples sake…

You have 3 days to reply. Those who show disrespect in not returning a letter, or even returning a letter with such a dissatisfying answer will be the first to meet the wrath of my blade.

Yours truly,
The great supreme leader admiral general dictator conqueror of the strong ruler of all Ymb."

It is a declaration of War! It is now in your choice whether to follow under him in peace, but having to submit to his laws and authority… Or fight for your continued sovereignty!


I don’t like pepsi

I have to agree. I stopped reading after “pepsi”.

Looks like my first two targets are nam and yomi. GG

I <3 Pepsi! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Now choose wisely smart one, live under my great kingdom, or face extinction!

It would be an honour to serve in your kingdom Great Leader!

And this is why we love you.

If I don’t have a place by your side as advisor or something like that, I will be greatly disappointed in you. Remember who once trained you in the ways of the Assassins many moons ago, dear friend.

Hmm, face the wrath of Ymb, or join him? Well, looks like I’m joining. Just don’t blame me later on when another dictator comes a knockin.

I shall also join you, oh Mighty Oil Baron

Well now I am freaked so guess I am joining.

Oh mighty pure! Show us the path to our destiny, full of cake oh mighty one! I humbly submit myself to your work.

Hhehehe- Ahem. Grant me the power of the explossivossssss and we have a deal!

Sounds like a blast to me


still doesn’t like Pepsi

No thanks, I don’t like having a ruler. I’d rather be my own ruler. You talk big, but can you fulfill what you say? Come at me bro, come at me.

I will be on the Aladeen Side. :smiley: D: :smiley: D: :smiley: D:

Amal? Really? You’re setting yourself up for ridicule already!..In all seriousness Id rather die then be enslaved into your anal army. :wink: Ohhh how I enjoy playing Devils advocate. Looks like its time to pull out the old Hitman Gear. Let the shenanigans commence!

I either want a high position or I’m going freelance assassin again. You want shit done? Contact me or Nam.

Nam, I of course do this without rivalry. :stuck_out_tongue:

As Field Marshall and “Democratically” Elected El Presidente of the Union of Rhodok Socialist Republics, I herby present my demands.
Firstly, You will not bring your forces anywhere near the U.R.S.R, Currently spanning the great city of Wildefay, and the surrounding unoccupied areas.

Secondly, You will desist with this agressive expansion, and cease your threatning and warmongering.

If My demands are not met, or a response is not given within a day, consequences will follow.

-El Presidente Sim,
Field Marshall, Chief of Staff, and Supreme Commander of the Soviet Forces.