The East Coast Blizzard of 2016

 For those who live on the East Coast know that there is/was a blizzard passing by. Or, you encountered some snow from the storm. But, there is a blizzard going on where I live, and the amount of snow on the ground is unbelievable, to me! I want to know if anyone is/has encounter(ing/ed) the blizzard here, or elsewhere across the globe. 100th post!

 1/22/16: The snow started to hit the ground before midnight.

 1/23/16: I had to shovel around my driveway, and made a path for my pet dogs to go to the bathroom. It took me 3 hours! It's nighttime, and it's still snowing at the same pace as it did in the afternoon. The snow is up to my waist!

I’ll trade you! ~42°C and ~95% humidity. It’s disgustingly tropical, muggy and sticky. I want snow! :stuck_out_tongue:

Meanwhile, in Britain…

I have cousins that live around Washington D.C and Philadelphia, Both are going outside when it gets to 2 feet 8) I’m missing out on the fun >:( xD

I’m in Southern Massachusetts, we’re getting a little snow, but some radars show the storm going farther north (meaning more snow for us) but others show us getting very little.

As us New Englanders say: “If you don’t like the weather, wait five minutes.”

lol up here in toronto we might get a little branching off- part of the storm and get like, -23o celcius DX

The panda in the National Zoo seems to be enjoying the snow.

It hasn’t snowed properly here for 3 years. Tiny bit envious…

I wish it would snow down here in FL! It has been ridiculously cold though.

“ugh. at least we have beaches?”

an actual quote from Baillie.

Ikr, must be global warming. :frowning: . seems to be having a bit more effect in Britain than making school kids think they’ve heard it before… a few hundred times…

Casey Neistat and Jesse Wellens did a dope video

The only snow we got was the kind of “but it did snow that one day stop complaining jeez” two-and-a-half-millimeters snow.

Reminds me of Chicago.

I pray there won’t be snow at the end of February, I’m going to D.C. for 10 days