Thank you for trusted I am really really really really HAPPY! Now this is a long list and if I could I would write a load of more people but that would go on forever, I would like to thank Javi, For nominating me THANK YOU JAVI
Marmuffin, She’s always been there for me and she’s helped me so much in my life and she’s the best bestie I could ever wish for, Koala for always being kind to me and she’s just good crazy, I feel like I’ve known her for AGES and she’s one of the best people I have met on the server, Tori, when I first started she helped me so much and she’s so kind and without her I wouldn’t be who I am on PCB, Robin, For being the best bitch on the server, Doris, for being the best cousin I could ever have, Pen has helped me so much with all my projects I build and always makes the best things, Dord and skee are 2 of the greatest medieval builders and the only people I know who live in a storage room, Ruby and Kurry for being 2 of the best SOPS on the server, panda for helping me when I needed it the most and she’s just 2 good at building things from Disney and of course Thank you to everybody on PCB
I’m so happy and I love the server so much and I hope I will stay on for a long long long time
Thanks guys -Emma