Testing Connection to PCB

This guide will test your connection to PCB and produce some text files that an admin can use to help you resolve issues.

:warning: If you’ve followed these instructions before, make sure you delete any txt files starting with pcbdiag_ from your desktop before following these instructions again.

1. Opening the command line

On Windows

In this guide ⊞ Win refers to the Windows key, usually between Ctrl and Alt

  1. Press ⊞ Win + R
  2. Type cmd.exe into the box
  3. Press Run

To enter commands:

  1. Copy the command from this guide
  2. Go to the Command Prompt window
  3. Right click anywhere to paste

On Mac OS

  1. Open Finder
  2. Go to Applications > Utilities
  3. Open Terminal

2. Checking for packet loss

To communicate with the game server, your computer sends thousands of blocks of information called packets to the server. It’s normal for a small number to not reach the server, but if too many are lost this might cause issues connecting to the server.

This command will take a few minutes to run and will appear to be doing nothing. When the command has finished you’ll be shown another line to enter input. The output of the command will be put into a file called pcbdiag_pl.txt on the desktop.


ping -n 50 pcbmc.co > %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\pcbdiag_pl.txt

Mac OS:

ping -c 50 pcbmc.co > ~/Desktop/pcbdiag_pl.txt

3. Traceroute

Again, this command will take several minutes and you will see no output. This command will produce a file pcbdiag_tr.txt on the desktop.


tracert pcbmc.co > %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\pcbdiag_tr.txt

** Mac OS:**

ping -c 50 pcbmc.co > ~/Desktop/pcbdiag_tr.txt

4. Pathping

Again, this command will take several minutes and you will see no output. This command will produce a file pcbdiag_pp.txt on the desktop.


pathping pcbmc.co > %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\pcbdiag_pp.txt

Mac OS:

traceroute -S -q 20 pcbmc.co > ~/Desktop/pcbdiag_pp.txt

5. Sending Data

Send the admin who asked you to follow this guide these files from your desktop:

:warning: These files contain sensitive information including your IP address. Don’t post them publicly.

  • pcbdiag_pl.txt
  • pcbdiag_tr.txt
  • pcbdiag_pp.txt
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