terraria vps what do halp?

Im thinking about putting the terraria server onto a vps or something. No idea where to start.

What is a good hosting company that Does fairly cheep servers?

How do you use linux to run a windows server? (i think tshock might have some ability to run on linux)

How do you actually sort the server out in the first place, do you need to install crap? how to upload a server to it? how to use a terminal?


Side note, the server itself only need like 1gb of ram, 1 core and a pretty small hard drive capacity. Im willing to think about spending 10 pound per month on it (like 16usd). Is this enough/ not enough?

I like RAMnode, I use them for the Teamspeak server and my website. Works fantastic, no downtime. Other questions I will edit in later need to go for a bit. It’s $15/month for 1GB RAM, Thats also a large hard drive, unless you go pure SSD which is crazy fast.

Might be easier just to have a windows vps. If it can run on linux do that. I don’t know if WINE works on command line apps. I think it may though.

You will probably use the terminal yes. They will give you an IP and SSH info, and probably a small web based management system. You may have to install FTP, so that you can move files over easily, otherwise you can upload them online then use a command called ‘wget’ to download a file from online. This is generally how I do it.

Thanks sips, really help full :D.

Ive selected a “OpenVZ SSD VPS (SVZ)” in the netherlands at 1gb ram for $15. It comes with a cent os 5 64-bit operating system. Would this be ok for my needs ya think?

Thanks again.

Post a link to their company and maybe we can check them out more. There are some providers that should not be trusted. Also, specs would be nice.

You actually lost me when you said, “OpenVZ SSD VPS (SVZ)”. VZ? SVZ? SSD is obvious.

This is the one sip was on about : http://www.ramnode.com/

The naming of all these things means nothing to me. Not a clue XD

The specs of the $15 one is;

1024MB RAM
1024MB VSwap
4 CPU Cores @ 3.3GHz+
30GB SSD space
1Gbps Port
3000GB Bandwidth
1 IPv4 Address (+1 FREE)
16 IPv6 Addresses
Weekly Remote Backups

This looks a bit over powered for what is needed, but its the only 1gb ram option that I can see.

Agreed on the overkill. Are you sure only 1 gig of ram is needed? Far as I know, the larger the area of the map loaded, the more ram is needed.

I don’t see anything clearly wrong with the company though. Sip, didn’t you say you had a friend who ran a similar business? Think they could offer Fatty a competitive deal?

The server dosnt take up too much cpu time or hdd space or bandwith. But having a large map loaded does take the ramm up to 600-700 mbs. With a few players on it could push it to 800+ so yea just a single gb should do i think.

I do, but the VPS’s they offer are not very good in my opinion. They run on lower hardware than these ramnode ones, and are pure SSD so you cant get the combination of price and space. I don’t know if you can do automatic reboots or not.

I am more familar with Ubuntu Server than I am Centos, however there are extensive guides on each. One of the main differences is the packaging system they use, Ubuntu used apt (aptitude) and CentOs uses yum for package installation. I also believe they run on different Linux bases, CentOS on Red Hat or Fedora, and Ubuntu on Debian based. With technical mumbo-jumbo out of the way either would work fine, but I would reccomend Ubuntu for ease. The server installation of it uses very little RAM (28mb bare, something like that) as does Cent.