Temporary Leave of Absence

Dear PCB,

So while it’s not normally my style to make “hey, ill be gone for a bit, see you later” threads, I arbitrarily decided, hey, why not make one this time.

So as many of you may have noticed I’ve been fairly absent from PCB for awhile, with me poking my head in here and there. I follow the forums daily, but due to my current circumstances Its really improbable for me to play minecraft with any regularity.

I’ve gotten myself into a fairly shitty situation in school and for awhile now I’ve been working on getting my grades up and surviving. Once the academic year is over however, I’ll be shipping off for summer training from May 24th to June 13th. I’ll be living in the woods getting shot at and getting about three hours of sleep a night. So that’ll be fun. Long story short, since I have term end examinations around the corner, and this following it, I really won’t be able to be completely active again until approximately June 15th, possibly a few days later to allot for my parents re-establishing an internet connection for me when I arrive home.

But when June 15th comes, prepare yourself. I will return. With a vengeance O_O

Yours truly,

dont miss me 2 much

Anyways, GL man GL :smiley:

Don’t die, k?

AKA ur probs gonna steal my wifi until then

bring snacks, k?

K, k?

Stay safe meta


I’ll bring you back an MRE. :stuck_out_tongue:

This is the price you pay for not playing Guild Wars 2 Meta. :slight_smile:

Good luck with getting your grades up!

Wishing you the best in both see you soon

Try your hardest, cya around :slight_smile:

I love MREs! Bring me one!

Leaving for Summer Training today. Talk to you all again in about 3 weeks.

Fuck yea buffalo chicken!


right in the honeynut feelios
xD Don't die if you get shot

Please do not necro a post thats a few weeks old Jmvana, you should know better

I’d like to inform everyone that I have survived the trials that were before me in Cadet Leadership Development Training, the 3-week hell of living in the woods getting two hours of sleep a night, eating one meal a day, and both shooting at people and getting shot at by them (with blanks). I’m not home yet, but I have my computer now and I will be going home tomorrow, so my activity should pick up now.

Glad you made it out okay, welcome back

Did you get shot/shoot anyone? Glad you made it out alive anyway but it doesn’t sound like the most fun experiance…

It’s just training so nobody actually got shot per-se. We used this stuff called miles gear attached to our weapons and vests and helmets. When a blank round is fired from a weapon, the miles device emits a laser beam in that direction. So it was like laser tag but with real rifles and Machineguns. I died a couple of times, mostly to artillery simulations. But I got a couple good kills myself. One guy charged our rally point I was guarding by himself and tried to run when he saw me, so I spent five rounds in his back. Another time I was carrying the squad automatic weapon, or SAW, and we were taking a hill after being ambushed. Got to fire off a bunch of rounds. The firefights were the only exciting part of training.

See Top Gear when Clarkson is driving around in convertible cars getting shot at with this kit on :stuck_out_tongue: