TBNRPengi - 4th of January, 2018


Minecraft Username TBNRPengi

Date of Ban 4th of January, 2018
Server Survival/Creative
Banned by Unknown, maybe Console?

Reason for Ban Autoclick

Reason to be Unbanned The reason why I was banned was WAY off.

If you haven’t noticed, which you may have, I have been asking for a lot of help. It feels like that everyone wants to help their friends instead of me. I am always willing to help people but they never help me. To be honest, what the hell happened to ‘this is a lit community’?

Anyways, I actually did not use an autoclicker.

So what happened was I was building a suspension bridge in my city, connecting from where Minneapolis is to begin claiming the lands of the jungle biome. However, since what happened above, I got way angry. For the first time, I installed Wurst Hack Client for 1.12 and began using the FastBuild hack. It was so people could help me.

At the moment, I was building the bridge. If someone was ACTUALLY to help, one person did help. I put in signs what I was doing and he accepted. It was Storm. So then I must have built too fast, because it just said I’ve been automatically banned for AutoClicker. It did not say who, and it must’ve been the console.

My Previous Ban/Kick history is none for the ban, but earlier I got kicked for being rude to staff. Vex was going to worldedit but he was useless. He was asking me stuff that I already gave him-I gave him the points, and what block to fill it in, and he was insane! Then people began to complain that I could just build it myself, and it wouldn’t be big.

Another kick was a bit later, I was spamming a bit while singing a song and then before I got kicked, I actually was typing in “I should stop now.” Because i saw as I was typing a warning I was given.

Otherwise, no reason to really be banned perm-and here is something you need to understand.

AutoBuild and FastBuild are VERY different. AutoBuild is where you place a block, and then the client randomly builds around it.

FastBuild is probably where the Autoclick thought came in. FastBuild is where if you are placing a block from a far distance, it will build from that point to where you are. It is useful, you can just right click a million times and press the S key while flying, and then congratulations. You made a big fat straight line of the block you used.

The Console must have thought I was building too fast, or I was clicking too much.

Nobody was willing to help me, except for storm thank you, and almost never wanted too. However, some people like bread and others decided to build their own things there. Which was nice, but almost nobody wanted to help on the bridge. Worldedit was useless, because you guys couldn’t understand which is insane. It was really a //set or //fill command. Its click from here, click to here, and then black_concrete, and it should pick it up.

I deserve to be unbanned because it was mainly my fault. I was really angry at the time and I should’ve thought it through. I can get angry easily and yes, I am really sorry over this mistake.

I understand guys. I have been an asshole recently. And I am really sorry for that. I promise I will never do it again, and that to prove it I will let someone watch me build if you want to show that I will never hack again.

[ Ban History ] No previous ban appeals on record.

[ ! ] Do not post unless you are in someway involved in this matter.
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Banned by @Vexnorz

Right so,

  1. autoclicker and fastbuild achieve the same exact thing, so it doesnt matter what its called.

  2. My Previous Ban/Kick history is none for the ban, but earlier I got kicked for being [b]rude to staff.[/b] Vex was going to worldedit [b]but he was useless. [/b]He was asking me stuff that I already gave him-I gave him the points, and what block to fill it in, [b]and he was insane![/b] Then people began to complain that I could just build it myself, and it wouldn't be big.

I appreciate the irony.
You were told repeatedly to mark specific blocks for me to select, you kept giving me coords. I repeatedly asked you to mark blocks but you could not comprehend that and kept telling to fill with concrete. Calling me useless every time I asked you to show me the blocks not give me coords.

  1. I put in signs what I was doing and he accepted. It was Storm.

You wrote on said signs that you were going to use fast build and asked Storm to keep it quiet.
I was there. I was watching you. No need to lie.

Your appeal is weak and shows that you clearly are not able to learn from kicks. How about you take this and try to mature a bit. Try again in a couple months, mature and drop the attitude you’ve shown in the game and on discord.

Still banned.