
Come visit the new survival hotspot - TAUSSAT - Warp now! Cool houses starting at 20, and don’t worry if you can’t fly yet, because we have designed the town so you can always get an aerial view! By swimming up the mountain and going on the tree you can access any roof you want! Taussat also offers, an enchanting room, a stylish farm and a luxurious, unique WINDMILL. ---- AND an amzing underground tree farm!!! ----
Visit now: Feltheboss and I will be waiting for you; become one of our privileged residents! + suggestions welcome!

darknessdeath999 - this is a nice village
ducky - YES!
Lcmbkill - Can you make some of your houses in Stormsend?
patrickmarchand3 - i re[al]ly like it twan
antydough - its awesome twan961

Really nice job, guys. Best new survival town I’ve seen in a while :slight_smile:
