Sylvie's Sketches :D

i use letra set to color them, closest thing i can get to electronic coloring since you can shade with them. i would do them electronically but…issue with scanners…and lack of programs…and the fact i am completely and utterly hopeless with computers past playing video games @.@

i’ll try looking onto it again at some point though


Please… im kinda eager to see how it comes out…

shad, believe it or not i do actually still have the pic you wanted me to draw, and it IS half finished, the baseline black stuff is all done and complete but i find the coloured pencils i have to be lacking to quite finish the sky, when i get paid i can shop around for some good quality stuff so i can finally finish it

as for the meantime, 2 boredom sketches and a pic i did for my mother for her birthday of my dear cat friend who passed away last year :slight_smile: - ‘Happy Birthday Mum’ …could be better…but we didn’t actually have too many good photo’s of him - boredom sketch / slight practice - boredom random portrait thing

anywhos, this was me in denial that it had suddenly hailed hard and ruined my washing. now to go fix the mess the weather made and go buy dinner, ciao~