yay! survival games is now official! now i have a list of jobs. if anyone wanna join type there name and job besides it. here are the jobs.
making people die in water for drowning.-op job
making safe houses-any rank
making bots and the /mb-probuilder
making zombies-op
making HARD to notice traps. not like some house with doors in it. should use /door_air for traps-builder
make a underground arena.-anyrank and multiple people can join for this one 
but most importantly make sure someone makes a bunch of survival game terrain maps.-senior op only job.
all this building and planning will be expected to be finished on august 25 2012 or later so work hard 
Do we have to be an op to apply?
a little more info with making the bots and the mb’s
yeah anyone can join thanks for clearing it up zesty. only SOME jobs are for ops only since regular players cant do certain commands. and randombilly just make a bot and pick any name and hopefully it has a skin on the bot. on the /mb you could write some random greeting.
ok thanks then could i get that job ;D
what job random? remember to type the job you want.
oh right ummm bots and the /mb thing 
guys BE sure to reply on this post or else survival games wont be done!!!
I’m up for the underground arena and safe houses.
k two people ready to build. we still need some ops to do some jobs like the maps and special effects job
Question: What map is it going to be on?
??? all maps ??? Is it going to be played across all the maps in classic?
i mean all hunger game maps. forest maps island maps mountain maps and desert maps.
I mean, what is the map(s) going to be called so I can /goto there.
ummmm survival games arena 1 2 3 4 5 XD
We need more workers! apply now!!
We still need some workers. This post has been ignored a lot. I fear we may have to close the idea.
If you are willing to help please stop by and help a little. This project really needs the ops since without the maps we would not have a place to build. We need more kind people who are willing to help us by using their time to help us.
Thank you all for reading
Sorry andy. If you wish, I can make you a map to start on. It just depends on if you are willing to really make use of it. let me know what kind of map you might need. I don’t mind setting you up, but I can’t put in a lot of time.
thanks kyle but since i still have people participating and they can still help me.
BTW i still want those maps.