Stepping up our game....

Yeah we’ll need some major ass plans…

I’m up for it! =D

Im ready for a city build. We should call it Project: City Build.

As fatso suggested, you could start on buildings right now! Just not in the area, good buildings will be copied into the area at a later date. I will make a warp to the build when I get on, any ideas for what to call the warp?

iI think the warp should be called puts on shades Flat. Grass.

It’s in a desert.

Well, la de da. XD

How bout something like protocitybuild? or just… prototypes?

What ever happened to the weekend freebuild contest we did? I had thought that the buildings constructed there would be the ones added to bigcity. It was the same concept that fatso mentioned above. If you need some land leveled, you can always message me. I like landmass alteration.

Agreed, some of those buildings definitely deserve to be moved over into official BigCity.

There was also meant to be a times lapse as well as a declared winner?

After the event all people really got was a ‘Its over’ screen XD

… This is because we think cities like bigcity are amazing while realism is obtained in the design of the buildings… It just feels way too much just like a creative area because of no attention to street beauty, parks, and other realistic things. I wanted to do something like the first vid for Atlanta and I swear I will settle for nothing less because I have the skills for sure now.

It’s all in Bigcity, just a little bit away from the ‘main’ area.

I guess they have awesome builds mainly because of the variety of players they have. We are somewhat private and yet, we can already build great cities. What if we’re already in public? Some of those new players will actually be talented and can help us build even greater cities.

I guess we should build a nice timelapse video of a city from scratch, to increase popularity. Perhaps 30+ players in a huge event to promote PCB? :>

That would be amazing if we could do it. The trouble with our server is time zones. The server is run by people in Australia, while the vast majority of players are in the USA. 2 of our SOP’s (Liam and I) and several of our OP’s and MOD’s (Vaio, whubilly, Fatso ect.) are in the UK. We also have European players.

The point is, it would be very difficult to organise a time that everyone can do. The only option we have found so far is 10pm GMT which is 9am Eastern Australia, 2pm US Pacific time, 3pm US Mountain time, 4pm US Central time and 5pm US Eastern time.
This is fine for all the American players on a weekend, but it’s slightly too early for Andy or Spec who have to run the game (They were an hour late getting up last time), and slightly too late for players in the UK who may have to leave half way through the event.

Another way to do a timelapse is to build the city, save a schematic of it, video it being demolished then reverse the video. Thats what hatfilms do with theirs :smiley: That would be easier, as it wouldn’t matter if people had to leave half way through, but we could still have a lot of people doing it.

if we do that we have to make it VERY VERY CLEAR that you destroy FROM THE TOP DOWN not just randomly. Going layer by layer will look like it’s being built when played back. Random demolition won’t.

Did andy/spec get rid of the last times lapse? :open_mouth:

Havent heard whats happend to it…

Love it! also, fun fun fun. invite some griefers XD

I do want to point out that most schools are out for winter break now, so time shouldn’t be much of a problem if we can do something soon.

I might be able to record the timelapse on a virtual machine, while actually building in the video. I have access to another account I can use, but I’m still figuring out framerates and such on the virtual machine’s FRAPS.

EDIT: I can go about as late or early as you want, apart from 2AM - 9AM.