Steampunks History

I just had to do it. these are the picture i had from steampunk over time and I thought why not show them.
feel free to talk about them and what you did to steampunk x3

And now I also know how to show pictures to the forum xD

Nice! I made 2 houses here, and the place if pretty flipping cool. :smiley: Is there still more progress being made to it?

Yeah I’m creating a special New player town next to Steampunk. the beginning is done Now to Polish it

I’ll eventually get my airship done for you.


I made a big mess using chickens in yomi’s house. That is all.

Looks good. I really like the comparison of screenshots from when there were no buildings around the lake to what it is today. Most players would have ruined such a spectacular area for a town with ill-placed buildings.

Those looking to start a town should look to Steampunk for inspiration. This is how you make a town. Not with boxed houses, base requirement buildings, or a generic flat land location, but with creativity. It has many residents, numerous buildings, and a theme. More towns need a theme! Something to base their town on or around. Something that implants their theme into your head when you first lay eyes upon it.

Lately it seems people wanting to start a town just don’t have a clue on them. They rush ahead blind with ambition and don’t stop to look at what they’re building. That is why I included staff judgement for towns that want a warp. Without judgement, literally anyone can get away with making a town. They do a rush job and don’t care how it looks, so long as they have a warp to give themselves some false sense of pride. There’s nothing to be proud of when you half-ass something.

But I digress, nice job!

=D <-- that sums everything up how i feel atm Thx

Hey guys you see that mountain in the first picture that isn’t there anymore? Guess who cut (most of it) down! Yes, me! But yomi done like 40% of it cause I got lazy. Be smart like Yomi, and get Jape to cut down your mountains, today!

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