Steam Usernames

Wanted to have more people to get together with on Steam games and such, and just wanted to put my username out there if anybody wants to add me as a friend on Steam. Also, if you want to post your name for people to add you, feel free.

My Steam name is Joshm0nkey

i think we had a list somewhere for this… ohwell

username: bienyomi



Piehole314 :smiley: TF2 sometime?

Johnlh97 you can also join the PCB steam group, if you want to find other members.

FOBBGER The 39th

on the note of steam, maybe PCB should expand and not just be minecraft, maybe some other games

Very creative, theukoctopus. And I think there was talk of a TF2 server a while back

Well we had Terraria and some other shit for a while
B. Bear
I have glasses.

“◄Reapers► Brodur”


I suggested this a long time ago…people said that would be fun…

Buster Lef

