Steam giving me download issues, anyone able to halp?

Hey guys, I recently got my hands on a game I really like, so I downloaded it. But today it decided to update. So I was like “Sure, whatever.” but it won’t download prperly. It will go from 3.2mb/s (my max) to 163kb/s to somewhere inbetween, and then completely freeze for a while. The simple update will take me 47 days and 17 hours! Does anyone know any solution to this?

Have you tried switching it off and then on again?

‘it’ being steam, your computer and your internet router/modem.

Steam is having issues since the summer sale started. Everyone is downloading stuff at the same time clogging up the “tubes”

now, sorry, should have mentioned this earlier, but this problem has been around for a couple weeks now, but not as severe as it is now. I can literally NEVER download what I want, when I want it.