Staying Positive In These Challenging Times.

Hello All. As you know, things are hard right now. Many events are causing many different feelings and emotions for everyone, Mainly negative. So I want to burst this negativity bubble in a good way by raining Positivity among the server, but I can’t do this alone.

So I ask you this, if you have a happy or positive quote, image, message, or affirmation to spread to the server, You may :). This should be a thread of Happiness in an otherwise confusing time. Your message etc should be one that someone can look to if they are having a bad day, or may just need to see to make them feel better :D.

"Be the kind of person that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, the negatives say Oh Crap, they’re up"

Now, Your Turn :).

-whb (Love, Don’t Cry)


love yo self

“If you love someone, tell them… because hearts are often broken from unspoken words” - Kim Jong Un


Andrà tutto bene


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“Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, until, in our own de-despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God.”

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Some wisdom from the Great Uncle Iroh from Avatar: The Last Airbender (all of his quotes were uplifting, but this is the best tbh)

“You have light and peace inside of you. If you let it out, you can change the world around you”.

Really hits me hard, considering I had watched this when i was 6 (so literally right after the series ended) and covid-19 allowed my cousin and I to rewatch it all over again. Iroh literally might be my favorite character because he provides a sense of peace, forgiveness, and healing. I thought this quote especially in this time of chaos would mean a lot for those who need it. With that said, I want to provide some of my own wisdom:

I was taking the AP English test last week and it was about Richard Nixon’s eulogy, given by Senator Dole. In the eulogy, Dole explains that Nixon always quoted “Live your life to the hilt”. A philosophy that should be followed. We’re all incredible people and especially incredibly lucky to exist. Born of chance, god, or whatever is out there, we exist in the here and now to live life to the fullest. We overcome ups and downs to lead to one specific point in time where we reconcile with ourselves and live once more. So to those struggling with the outbreak, I say this:
In this modern world I know all may seem stressful, hard, maybe now that we’re all home we’re suffering with cabin fever, but really follow the ideal of living life to the hilt. Step outside, take a break, enjoy life. The universe crafted for us a beautiful world to live in, and we only live in it once. After my grandfather had passed away now three years ago, I had become deeply depressed. Let myself go. I had lost my spirituality, doubted every question in my mind, and suffered through each month of March since about my own death one day. Then came this March. I don’t know what clicked into my head, but I said to myself: “No. This is not what you should think. Living life in fear is no life at all.” Since then, I haven’t had a thought about my fear. I’ve thought about my grandfather for years and I miss him. Though, I know he is at peace. While I never really talked to him because I was a little kid back then, I realized what an impact he had on me even then. I remember helping him to his car, his thick Italian accent, and just the small talks I would have with him on the couch, even if I couldn’t understand what He was saying. Since then, I regained my spirituality as well, and it is stronger than ever, by choice, and hope. My first advice: Don’t let fear guide your life or actions. Fear is manipulative, it makes your every action questionable in your head, leading to doubt. While the loss of a loved one hurts, hope and pray that they’re doing well somewhere. That whatever good thing they brought into your life is being repaid in your own memory. Let hope guide you, not fear. Love yourself, love your family, and love your friends. Though you may separate for a while, the memories created are ultimately a worthwhile endeavor.

What we all first thought wouldn’t be too serious came and hit us all by surprise. Countries throughout the world struggle to contain it, while some are more fortunate than others. Coronavirus, a disease started for many far away from us all is now prevailing in most countries. I pray for the dead and sick everyday, hoping for their recovery. I see all these crazy news reports, which are all depressing at this point, and I find that stepping away from the news once in a while is good. I thought of the positive side of the break caused by the virus. I’m spending more time with my family, exercising a whole lot more, learning how to cook and bake, reading lots of books, and now I have a mentor to talk to about my future career and college, and my spirituality has returned, revitalized, and stronger than it had ever been. The world is most certainly in a position that no one alive has ever really faced. Even those alive in 1918 barely remember how the Spanish flu was. We only have a few centennials, who may have been young and atleast are able to remember some of how the situation went. We’re all stuck inside, being forced to either work or school at home, or listening to things said on tv with no indication of an end. But I offer this second advice: While the world may seem chaotic in a way, do not use the time given to you by this virus as a means to slack off or become worn out. Go on a run once in a while, eat healthy, video call with some friends, finish that work early, because we are given weeks upon weeks with this horrible disease, and we may as well make the best of it. If you have any issues too and live alone, be sure to call your parents, friends, or siblings just to talk things out or rationalize. Try to ultimately remain sane. I know this virus seems to get worse as it progresses each day, but know that it will end. I do not know when, but I am hopeful that it will be soon. I hope that we get a vaccine for this, that all people of the world are safe. Also, for those who know a neighbor who perhaps lives alone, go on and check on them every once in a while. Socially distance outside on lawn chairs and just talk. I’ve found that in the past few weeks on my runs it’s nice to stop for 5 minutes and talk to my neighbors passing by about everything. Communication with others is very relaxing, especially if the other person is kind.

Iroh’s quote and it’s importance:
The reason I specifically chose this quote is because I do believe that every person on this Earth has the ability to do good. To bring along light, and peace, and ultimately change the world. We are the future, but we must learn to lead in solidarity and kindness. While the world progresses further into such an age of material wealth, or even a struggle with time to be spent freely, know your morals and remain true to yourself. If you believe in something whole heartedly and it appeals to a good moral sense, try to remain in your position, and do not let the words and actions of others affect you. Be the change, and be strong about it. Trust yourself, and trust others. There is nothing wrong with talking to a friend, family member, or hire a therapist to help you rationalize. So long as they do not try to change you as a person, they are someone to go to and help vent.

These are very challenging times, and I know my statement was very long, but I hope it was well worth the read. I hope that during this time, we’re all keeping active, friendly, and staying safe. Live life to the hilt, and don’t let your actions in the past drag too much on you; nor the past itself. Instead of letting it drag, learn from the mistake made, or reconcile with the issue. If anyone; absolutely anyone needs a friend to talk to, message me on forums or discord. I’m 100% willing to talk and help you through whatever may be going on!


This is more a universal piece of advice, but it’s probably my most important principles in life.

It’s a 3 step process to take when you run into conflict/problems/roadblocks etc, throughout your life –

Step 1. Accept the unexpected
Step 2. Consider your options
Step 3. Move forward to your goal

It’s important to be prepared to ACCEPT that bad things are happening, to truly understand and prevent yourself from denying it/trying to fix the unfixable. Sometimes unfair things happen to us and acceptance is the way forward. Then it’s important to EVALUATE your options moving forward; what can I do to improve my situation, what factors are within my control? The final crucial step is to MOVE forward, by taking the steps necessary to help deal with a problem. There’s no point in stalling and not putting the hard yards in to get yourself free of the problem.

Another piece of advice that sorta relates to this is an analogy of canoeing down-river.
Imagine you’re in a canoe rowing down a river; you cannot row against the current when it is too strong (conflict), so you have to go with the flow of the river (accept the problem). While you can’t necessarily go against the current, you can choose HOW you row WITH it (consider options). You can still steer your canoe, just with the current, not against it (move forward).

Hope this helps anyone dealing with conflict in the future as it ALWAYS helps me.


Roll with the punches, know that sometimes “shit happens”, and know that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.

Basic words, but three things to always live by.

We remember the Freeman. We are coterminous(having the same boundaries or extent in space, time, or meaning). There is no distance between us. No false veils of time or space may intervene. We see you still in Black Mesa, clearly we see you in the Nihilanth’s chamber. We bear witness to the bright eternity of the Nihilanth’s demise. You leap, you fall, we see you flash between the barriers. For a brief time you joined us. You are one between the worlds. Communion of the Vortessence and that other, a deeper mystery. No deeper than the Void itself.

We cannot forget those whose cords you cut. Forgiveness is not ours to bestow. Unity of purpose, the shattering of common shackles, a single road we tread. Your song we sing and shall sing for eternity no matter the consequences of this struggle. You have brought us grief and jubilation beyond measure. We are there still in observance of your final stroke. While our own lay scattered at your feet you severed the vortal cord that bound the Nihilanth to life and to us. That sharp spur of hope has not dulled to this day, for once the lesser master lay defeated, we knew the greater must also fall in time. With you besides us, a talisman of victory, the day of freedom draws nigh.

Your bright face obscures your darker mask. We call you sib(a group of people recognized by an individual as his or her kindred.) although your mind and meaning are a mystery to us. Far distant eyes look out through yours. Something secret steers us both. We shall not name it. We have endured these chafing bonds for eons yet a single moment of further servitude seems intolerable. How often have we slipped our yoke only to find it choking us again? Let this war end in either total victory or our extinction. No further compromise shall we allow. We take our stand beside you here upon this miserable rock.

The way ahead is dark for the moment. What seems to you a sacrifice is merely to us an oscillation. We do not fear the interval of darkness. We are a tapestry woven of Vortessence. It is the same for you if only you would see it. How many are there in you? Whose hopes and dreams do you encompass? Could you but see the eyes inside your own, the minds in your mind, you would see how much we share. We are you Freeman. And you are us.

We have survived worse across the ages. We shall prevail.

Where to now, and to what end?

-Half life 2; the all knowing Vortigaunt speech.
every time i hear this speech in game i always find it inspiring and mysterious. it speaks from the perspective of an outsider but it feels quintisentially human. i hope you also find this inspiring in these trying times.
if you want to listen to this speech (

:red_circle: I think you should just go for it

:orange_circle: It’s okay to have a bad day

:yellow_circle: You can’t give your life more time, so give the time you have more life

:green_circle: Strive to be someone that younger you would be proud of

:large_blue_circle: Everyday is a new day

:purple_circle: Without rain, nothing grows