Staff Appreciation Week

I was thinking one day about how great the staff are and therefore decided that I should propose a Staff Appreciation Week for the 3rd week of August every year.
If this is confirmed I will unveil a VERY cool build during it.

lol i read Staff application week xD

And what exactly is the purpose of this week? Building stuff to honour the staff?

I will require a palace if you’re appreciating me and the staff babiez

What we should do is decorate the creative spawn, according to what the staff want it to look like. Also, for the length of the seven days of Staff Appreciation Week, staff can call the shots, and decide how to celebrate the week. The planned week should also be a reunion for any archived players to join PCB. :slight_smile:

watch out for loopholes >=D

“I am the humblest of them all” ;D

Elydore, that is what I was thinking. I am doing a MASSIVE secret build that will unveil on Monday-Tuesday of Staff Week. Parade, attractions, Palace, the members are doing it all in secret. Monday will be the day the main build opens, and on Tuesday the attractions will finish.

And BroodingSet, doesn’t the staff ALWAYS call the shots?

Great secret keeping.

can i join in ? >=D

Join in on what?

Y’all wont be able to build in Cspawn. Keep in mind it is strictly reserved for Staff to make edits there for obvious reasons. Can’t wait to see what you guys will be doing though xD

Does this mean it is happening?

Of course they call the shots. Never said they didn’t.

I’ll make sure it happens. I’ll notify the players, once Staff Appreciation Week begins. Don’t forget, it begins on the third week of August.

Perfect! And Mark, castle will be there.

Would it be ok if I participated?

I’d be happy with a dirt shack tbh, but a palace does sound pleasing :slight_smile:

Ok I came back from a series of vacations a couple of days ago, and that has put preparations FAR behind where they should be. This should be the 2nd day of Staff Week, so we can either do it drastically unprepared or delay it for 1 week. Sorry everyone!

Not sure what the suggestion discussion turned into but the initial idea doesn’t sound like something staff could keep up with nor does it sound like staff involvement is needed.
