Speak up

Donators have more stuff so people have an incentive to actually donate. You’re not actually paying anything for Trusted, you just earn it. 8)

Just an Update for members, The staff are currently discussing different ideas on how to solve this Donator/Trusted problem in a separate thread and we will come to either 1 solution or another, and in the end, this problem will be fixed.

I will say, trusted have a lot of perms taken away since I was last trusted. They no longer have /up, /top, or my favorite command, /jump. Can we give those back to em?

I have a suggestion to solve this. It might not be possible but to explain my idea I have to go back to when I first started playing Classic. ( this story will involve other players but beiń so many years ago they may not remember these events)

Okay so when I played as a builder there was no Builder City so builders had to build in the guests area. Back then there was lots of people coming and going and of course some of them were griefers. I had my work griefed several times and then I wa promoted to advanced builder. I realised that builder felt special but not really. I spoke to Liam at the time because I wanted to do something about this (plus it cleared up some of the crowding in the guest area). I suggested the creation of Buildercity an that he did.

Which gave me the idea that maybe we should look at this differently maybe instead of looking at what permissions we have maybe we should look at offering trusted their own perk with their that will not make them better then donators but will give others a reason they for them to want to be trusted. I’m not suggesting a new map and I know we have big city but maybe we can start something else?

From here I have need some help on an idea but there is plenty of things we can do I guess.

A set of competitions and events?
A build area for trusted?

They are not very good ideas but I we work on it maybe we could do something

Somewhat off topic from this,

When i was builder on classic, we got our own personal map. Then it was raised to adv builder.

Ahh good times…

Also tl;dr .-.

I think I may have been too round about and need to put it more bluntly. For me ( I don’t know if the other trusted feel the same) I want the hard work I did to get here where I am now more recognised because I feel sometimes that the donator rank shoves my work in my face saying we can use money to buy all your hardwork. In my head I know his isn’t true but even so I still feel like this at times.

Everyone is only thinking about how to solve this through leaving things as they are or giving us more commands but I’m trying to hint that maybe there is something else we can do and I was using Classis as an example. Giving the builders Buildercity was away of recognising there hardwork maybe we can do something similar on survival/ creative. In other words just something that recognises that they got their perks because they donated and they help keep the server running but these guys are the ones who worked hard and earned our trust.

Also I would like to say that many of the people with complaints took there time to get here and worked hard that’s why they are complaining. In the past I have had people who have been here a few weeks and donated look down on the hardwork I did for the year and half to get here. Most the time I’m fine but sometimes it hurt to know that someone doesn’t care about your experience an efforts. Sure it is rare by it does happen

What hard work did you do to be trusted? Play? I’m sorry I lost you there. I’m not trying to be rude here, but really.

This. What exactly do you want to be recognized for? Playing on a minecraft server? Here is a medal. :slight_smile:

Wait, what’s all this fuss about? I thought we already agreed somewhere else that donators get more than trusted, butt hat doesnt mean that donators are trusted. I mean, donators do keep the server up and all, and trusted just play and stuff. It can take up to a year or two for trusted, but donators can just pay up, get all the perks, and keep the server up while they are at it.

Can we stop all this fuss lads, donators are necessary for the server, and trusted, slightly less so. Okay that’s it, gg no re.

[size=5pt]also that /jump command looks cool

I feel that trusted should get a few commands or be able to do stuff that donators can’t. I don’t know as of yet what that would be, maybe an exclusive club or something like em was saying. Or we can get a plugin or two that only trusted and staff can use that is fun but doesn’t alter other players, maybe like walking on water or walking up walls. Maybe we can have a club that can’t be tped to and you have to ride an extensive railway that goes through a literal firewall (a.k.a lava several meters thick) and surrounded in locked glass. This place could have the furniture plugin and a relaxing or nightclub place to have a break from the members. Maybe the staff could have an annex equal or bigger in stature for meetings and stuff.

I have a small feeling that someone might have covered this, but too much long stuff to read. In my opinion the donator rank shouldn’t be there, but in place of it there should be something saying that you have donated, like a little symbol or something next to the name, for example a person with the trusted rank, would have a symbol then their name and a colour or something like that. All I am saying, is that scrap the idea of the donator rank and put certain perks in like, getting materials, or a ton of money.

That then defeats the object of donating if you don’t get anything in the long run, and surely if you’d donated, you’d want a rank for it? Also, is that unfair if certain people can;t use certain things, for example it would have to be something good like diamonds, and if diamonds were taken away from non-donators, I highly doubt you would continue to play for much longer

What random meant was removing donator as a rank, and giving people who had donated a $ infront of their name and the permissions of a donator. Donators would still get stuff, but regardless of rank a donation could be recognised.

The main point I was getting at, sorry if you got confused, was the ‘certain perks such as materials’ which suggests that donators do not get as much stuff as before, and the thing about some materials being donator only is another main point. Sorry if I’m wrong, but that’s what I have taken from what random said.

What do you guys actually WANT us to do?

I mean, we have 3 suggestions, 2 made by staff (allow boats and more tp commands) and another very incomplete idea (trusted events/build area)

Don’t ask us to change and then give us fuck all to do about your complaints. All this talk about feeling left out doesn’t get us anywhere. We are here, we will listen, and if enough of us as a community want something to happen, it will happen. We have the suggestions box for a reason. Use it.

honestly, this is getting to where we are beating a dead horse. We are here for you to play, if you want a more complete playing experiance, and want to get more commands, donate. its as simple as that. help us keep the community you claim to love so much up and running.

This. A+++

Ahh man this is getting confusing.

But first may I say something. I know you weren’t trying to be rude but still I’d like to point something out.

Okay so I think there is a difference between hard work and just playing on the server and I’ll be happy to demonstrate that for you if you would like.
I’d like to point out that very few people are on the same time as me so there is times when playing is hardwork. Every tried helping a guest try to signup but they can’t and then a random member constantly says oh why haven’t you signed up yet and he only understand the guest can’t signup after you tell him 10 times. Have you ever been on when it’s pretty much just you and a member trying to deal with a guest who is constantly asking why he can’t signup. This is hardwork we put in as trusted so I get annoyed when you act like all we do is get on and play. How would you feel if I said to staff if I pretty much ignored the effort they put in to the server with making decision?

Well after my little rant (I didn’t mean to offend anyone) I think it might be easier if I summarise the options for the trusted and I hope they can pick one.

Option 1) we can in general give more commands to the trusted.

Option 2) we could try and start a club/ city/ event city that is only for trusted.

Option 3) take away the donator rank and in its place give donators a symbol or a coloured name and make it so they are trusted with perks.

I hope I summarised the options but after the discussion I believe that option 2 is the best as it gives something to trusted without taking from the donators who help keep the server running

I prefer Option 3… We just have to figure out how to get it to work properly. I am downloading the plugin that we use atm, to see if I can find the line of code necessary to support multiple-ranks… Found it.


[code] secondary:
enabled: false
# The table that contains the secondary groups.

# The column on the table that contains the user ID.

# Storage method. Set to one of the following:
# - single: All the group ids in a single row & column separated by the
#           delimiter specified below.
# - key-value: All the group ids are in a single row & column, separated
#              by the delimiter specified below, on a table that stores
#              its data in key-value pairs
# - multiple-key-value: Group IDs are stored on a table of key-value pairs,
#                    where the key name can appear in multiple rows.
# - junction: The table can contain multiple rows for a given user_id,
#             each with their own group_id.
storage-method: single

# The column that the group ID(s) are stored in:
# (For the key-value method, this is the 'value' column)

# For single-column or key-value storage methods, the delimiter/separator
# that separates the group IDs:
# (ignored for junction and multiple-key-value storage method)
group-id-delimiter: ','

# For the key-value storage method:
# (ignored for the junction and single methods)
# Key name for the key-value pair.
# Column that the key name is in

This was found in Lines 369-404.

I’m not sure if the config has been looked into, or if has been set up. However, this is the config to enable secondary groups, which would allow us to use the [Trusted][$] tag.

I have 0 experience with CommunityBridge, or with SMF, so I am unsure how to fill out the blanks.