something funny for the L4D2 fans

Let’s Play - Left 4 Dead 2 - DeathCraft II

I enjoyed these!

i actually went ahead and downloaded all the Death Craft II campaigns and all the minecraft weapons and skin mods, if someone would like to do the same, then we could play this together. =3

Both good finds! I don’t have L4D, so I can’t try it out myself, but still amazing.

Ouhai and I played this today and it was fantastic. I told any today, and ill say it again, if anyone wants to download the mods and skins, let me know, i can set up a small local server on certain days and times for this.

I found those very entertaining, particularly since it was AH’s ‘lets play minecraft’ antics that got me interested in trying minecraft for myself xD wish i could play this mod. one day maybe, one day.

Go LADS , RAY get ur damn roses and win!!!