I have some general things to say and some ideas. This thread has to do with some simple issues, and general ideas.
Empty Chestshop Deletes Sign:
I know this was a feature when the chestshops became free, however it’s fairly difficult and causes some problems. For my shop (buy 'n sell) I rely on people selling my items to keep an inventory. However when my shop is empty, then the sign gets deleted and nobody can sell me items. Also, it’s hard to remember what the item was, the buying price, and the selling price on any given item (I have ~60 items for sale). I favor the free chestshop idea, but I think signs should be left when there is on stock.
Market Transfer to 1.7
Currently, it’s said that the market will be transferred, but all chests (and items in them) will be deleted. People fear making shops now in case of the transfer happening, and them losing all there stuff. I can understand why it should be cleared, because there was fear over people packing items into their shop and thus getting more space. However, since the pods have been open for quite some time, we can see there is more than enough space in pods. In fact, I don’t think anyone has even filled their pod to 100% capacity.
You may see were I’m going with this. I think that items from the market should be transferred as well. This will allow people to make shops now, instead of later. Currently, only a fraction of the shops open a few weeks ago are actually open now, making people get their own items, instead of trading/selling to one another.
Jukebox Loop Plugin?
Here is a little side note. I remember One of the updates for 1.7 to be a looping jukebox. Many people thought this would be a good idea, however there was some glitches with the development. However, there is a good, popular plugin that can loop discs AND play multiple discs (if you have a chest next to the jukebox). I think this would be a very cool feature for stores, town halls, homes, lobbies, etc.
Link to the plugin -> http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/jukeloop/
I’m on my phone so I can’t answer in much detail. Everything in the market will transfer including chests and items. That has always been the intention. And with the signs you should try making a separate sign for selling items that way it won’t disappear. We’ll try out this configuration and see if it makes it easier for players to find stuff. Most of the complaints were that people are always out of stock and players would click a sign only to find no stock.
-Ah, some people said that the whole market would be transferred, except chest. If chests, and items, are going to be transferred that’s great news.
-I at first liked the idea of deleting the shop signs, because like you said it would show stock or not. However, from personal experience, it just seems to be more of a nuance.
Probably not. You’d also be able to see without trying that a shop is empty/full
Every time somebody buys something it would do this.
give buyer items
if number of items in chest = 0
change sign
if number of items in chest = {whatever a full double chest would be}
change sign[/tt]
You would have to integrate it with chestshop, aswell as have a large database with each sign’s held information. Plus, you would have to have it set up to where it wouldnt change over non-shop chests.
Ok, so here is what we know so far. Also, I posted some follow up facts/questions below.
All chests in the market (and their items are being transferred.
-Ideas of market chest wipe were just rumors
-Don’t worry about it anyway, the update is probably far away
Nothing has been decided about the shop sign deletion, editing the plugin seems unlikely.
-Can we just remove the whole delete-a-sign?
-Will chestshops still remain free to make? If not, how much longer do we have?