sipjca: 4/16/11

Minecraft Username: sipjca
Approximate Date of Ban: 4/16/11
OP Who Banned You: FireKnife360

Reason for Ban: Killed Someone to get my stuff back
Reason for Unban: SixZone killed me multiple times and took my armor diamond sword and pic while i was selling items. I asked him for my stuff back never gave it to me so I ended up killing him.

I only banned you because there was a lot of commotion going on between you two. I honestly thought you were innocent but i had too make sure. Thank you for appealing in a timely and kind manner, I appreciate it.

Since I was the only one involved in this manner you are now unbanned

Also im terribly sorry you will not get your stuff back (neither can I) but I will ask an admin too possibly give what you lost back.