Signs in Shops.

helloo,dont know if anyone else is having this problem but i cant seem to make a sign for the wall in my shop for selling items. This has been happening on the left hand side where nothing is.

Pleasssssseeeeeeee! Can someone help,thankyou.

Is it a chest shop problem? If it is, this should help (I had the same problems)

Write this directly above your chest:

-your name-
-amount your selling per buy-
-B ? S ?-the price after b is how much people will buy from you, the s is how much you will buy from them-
-name of product-

64 (a stack)
B 15 S 8

If you need anything else ill be happy to help :slight_smile:

I was trying to help with this issue. The sign she is trying to write pops off the wall while being written. Quick signs can be made. The protection of the sign she places stays there after the sign breaks off.

I have no idea what could cause this. I figure the server just needed a reset.

Oh, that happened to me before, make sure that there isn’t another shop on the same wall block (usually on the other side). Also make sure you have $100+ in order to pay for the shop.

There is a shop on the other side. That is likely the problem. Oh, and I accidentally broke the sign off the other side.