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yeah, practically :stuck_out_tongue: what im attempting to render though is the whole three sectors move together as oppose to seperate like urs, with the back black and front silver… :stuck_out_tongue:

Damn paint.net must render quick :L

i didnt make it, googled xD

i was like dayumm, liam adds speed to his breakfast instead of sugar :L

the first one is what i really want, though if its too hard i can settle for the latter.

Im really hating using CS6, fireworks is better than this :L

ok so far the back side of the tri is really err, shadowy, and its fucking trashing my pc to render it for some reason, its only a damn gif, i hate cs 6 :L


This.^. Photoshop CS6 is so powerful, its like every other version just better, even though some major changes for photographers, like the new crop tool and Camera Raw 7, this shouldn’t affect design too much. Even some Illustrator stuff I can do in Photoshop now so that’s amazing.

Not to say Fireworks is bad, but just used to Photoshop for most of design. Fireworks has a bit different target audience than me.

thank you!!! :slight_smile:

any time and yeah, CS6 is powerful , but its UI is way too heavy :confused: it should be more, i hate to say it, lightweight, like gimp. gimp 2.8 is better for just raw design, as its been worked on by developers of photoshop now its single window and just awesome :stuck_out_tongue: but im trying to navigate my way around it, just one i used was dang CS4 i think :L i learnt on 2 all those years ago :L

and yes fireworks has a younger target audience than paint.

Paint.NET all the way. It’s like photoshop, but free. Obviously with free comes less features but eh, it’s extremely good for what it is.


i don’t know if it’s possible but could i get my name in different fonts with a japan manga or other manga i don’t care what the pic is of

ps. just a little hint of what i would like here is a hyperlink


and Red… you may wanna change mine to Operator instead of mod now…

sure shadow :stuck_out_tongue: and err, random, it shall be done ^^

Thanks mate. And how are you enjoying trusted status?

its pretty phat, i mean i was donator anyways so its roughly the same. Imma wait a couple weeks and apply for mod again. Instead of taking time away from the server im just staying up online late to see if anything needs helping with. its like half one near enough right now :L

well good luck. :wink: and be glad for Trusted… its a lot less work atm. haha

:smiley: thanks