Show Your Setup

Very nice Ruby! How much did this baby cost ya? Did you build it or buy it whole?

Tower, mouse and keyboard came to about £500
Then a wireless card for £20
Monitor was about £150
and I got antivirus on offer for £18

So £688 pre-built.

Not bad at all. That makes it about $883 which is good for that setup. Nice find!

Ill post my second set up tomorrow…err my alternate set up that i use when i dont play TF2

I’ve changed mine quite a bit since the last time I posted my setup. But here it is! (Wireless charging FTW)

And my server (in my closet)

Love that desk, nice dual display!

Thank you. The desk is really nice, but a pain to clean sometimes. And how can one function without a dual display? :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, I have Dual, but I usually have my 2nd shut off, as it is my TV. I tend to use it to watch movies, throw spotify on, or some random junk that im not using at the time

Your set up is better than both of mine…

my first set up: Toshiba satellite laptop on a wooden desk charger cord goes behind shelving

Second set up: Wide screen monitor, keyboard, and mouse. (My mums computer :3)

This is my setup, granted I took this picture 1 at night and 2 while my desk is still not fully organized so just imagine it cleaner and lighter.

Meh I should post an update. Don’t really have a good pic, but ohwell.

That Jriver or Itunes?

Goof, I love the cleanness of yours. The glass table, everything is just so… uh… idk. A few kind of suitable words that I can think of - Smooth, fresh, clean, crisp (?) That’ll do.

The only thing that has changed about my setup, apart from the desk is a hell of a lot messier, with folders and books etc, and there is now an acoustic guitar merged into the audio setup/mess. I may be moving into a new bedroom, so if I got a new TV in there for use with my PS3, I would also like to get a HDMI cable for it, which would then mean I could set it up as a monitor also… yayayayayayayay! No chance of a new computer yet though xD

Heh, thanks… It’s what I’m aiming for. :smiley:

That Jriver or Itunes?


Lol I had spotify up too im my picture.

… Just found a HDMI cable, still in a shopping bag behind a tv, unopened. Bag seems to have been there a while as its covered in dust. Wat.

Anyway, this means I may attempt to hook up my old laptop and use it as a second screen. That or possibly use the TV in the room I’m in at the moment, as my desk is right next to it. This could be interesting. :smiley: