Well, I have Dual, but I usually have my 2nd shut off, as it is my TV. I tend to use it to watch movies, throw spotify on, or some random junk that im not using at the time
Goof, I love the cleanness of yours. The glass table, everything is just so… uh… idk. A few kind of suitable words that I can think of - Smooth, fresh, clean, crisp (?) That’ll do.
The only thing that has changed about my setup, apart from the desk is a hell of a lot messier, with folders and books etc, and there is now an acoustic guitar merged into the audio setup/mess. I may be moving into a new bedroom, so if I got a new TV in there for use with my PS3, I would also like to get a HDMI cable for it, which would then mean I could set it up as a monitor also… yayayayayayayay! No chance of a new computer yet though xD
… Just found a HDMI cable, still in a shopping bag behind a tv, unopened. Bag seems to have been there a while as its covered in dust. Wat.
Anyway, this means I may attempt to hook up my old laptop and use it as a second screen. That or possibly use the TV in the room I’m in at the moment, as my desk is right next to it. This could be interesting.