Slightly off topic, but kind of not. Is it possible to link a second laptop up as a second screen?
^^^ Using some softwear and a usb device of some sort, something that changes vga out to a usb in with the softwear decoding and displaying what is comming in through the usb.
Either that or some sort of program to do it through the network, likkeeee How to Turn Your Notebook into a Second Monitor |
Maxivista costs money though
And I have no VGA or HDMI cables.
I tried, but my mum is inept at anything to do with technology so thinks by changing any settings on anything with buttons, I am going to cause a nuclear holocaust.
Cannibalized parts from around the house, this thing rules.
If anyone [Sippeh(?)] knows how I would be able to “Wake on USB” for a HP NC6220, I would be very happy.
My second monoter burned out awhile ago xD cant take pics though
Cant or can? Speak up sonny!
Here’s my setup.
And, YES, that is a gallon of Arizona Tea on the dresser.
What case is that? Looks very Fractal or Corsair. Maybe a Define Mini, or R3/4?
Fractal Define R4
What ticks me off – you cant find ANY white drives…
Paint SSD’s, or even normal hard drives. :>
I personally like my (cheap) Core 3000’s black on white color scheme, fits my mousepad and mouse.
A bit pixelated. I blame instagram.
No, i meant combo/bluray drives. Lol
Oh, lol. I have a drive from a while back that came with a white front plate. But at least with the define it has the covering over everything so you don’t have to look at that
I’m surprised you could recognize the case like that. I never cared about cases as long as it fits all my parts.
I’m surprised you could recognize the case like that. I never cared about cases as long as it fits all my parts.
lol, i dont pay attention to cases either.
Sorry for slightly necroing this but here’s my new setup:
AMD Quad Core FX 4170 CPU 4.2GHz Processer with 12MB cache
Windows 7 64bit
AMD HD7770 1GB PCI-E Direct X11 graphics
23 inch screen
1920x1080 resolution
Built-in speakers
EDIT: Removed image as it was too massive.