Show of your desktop backgrounds!

How do you keep it so clean? O.o

All his icons are folders. he throws everything in there, the rest is prolly in Downloads

Eclipse <3

And all of my music is mainly in FLAC.

Queen … just queen =)

Here’s mine!

I switch between this one and random pictures of Italian architecture…

I look so boring hahaha…
Its a fairly new laptop, kay? I haven’t had time to clutter up the desktop!

Aww yeah, CKII

Hell, I’ll get in on this, even if I’m a little late.

Those icons…
Please tell me you found them online and didn’t make them yourself…

So many ponies… actually kind of cool that they match a theme. Not a fan myself, but I did think the pony fighting game looked cool. This is getting off topic…

OMG thats adorable. what anime is that from ani?

BTW i just changed mine. Kyle introduced me to Katanagatari and ive been kinda obssesed XD ive so far got all 12 episosdes and a HUGE amount of music from this series XD

Am I the only person using Linux? :frowning:

Ani - Oh god. That Lucky Star background is too embarrassing for me. I love the show, but too bright a background for me.

Shad - Impressive. Did not expect ya to like it that much. The art is actually unique in several ways. And how do you not know LS? I thought it was super popular like The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumia.

Grey - Lol, you might be! I really like that background though. I am somewhat familiar with Linux, but am no expert. I can’t trust it to play games meant for Windows sadly.

Yeah, well the ending of that series threw me for a loop. I was expecting some huge mystical ceremony and instead… omg well i wont spoil it, but NOTHING happen like i though it would.

Ive been thinking about rewatching it to get a second glance at the storyline.

Honestly what Kyle said. I use it but not as my main. I only run Linux at home for testing server environments then actually deploying. That and on the occasion of building Android from source, but that doesn’t happen too often anymore… For for minecraft or other games it makes no sense since most are built off of DirectX rather than OpenGL/CL, and the ports are generally not the best. Always better to run native code, and most of the times on Linux it isn’t because it is a tiny market. Still good stuff for some purposes haha.

Giant icons, giant icons everywhere!