Server Upgrade

Sweet, hope I can get ahold of a good computer this summer.

Maybe I can speak to andy about a new map?

Sounds good hard. While I like the different biomes I feel more flat land is needed in the creative section :slight_smile:

W-O-W. That is awesome, spec! REALLY glad to see all these improvements!

And of course all this new hardware isn't cheap. Any donations would be greatly appreciated!
Will you be using the list/system I made?

You are looking at the wrong map. That is our current survival map. And I don’t think you understand how big a 8000x8000 map is. It could be 50% ocean and there would still be enough space to build for over a year.

This is a direct map copy, no world edit involved. AKA Copying the entire map folder

Ya Im wondering about this too…

Wait. This isnt redstone host… this means…

Wait you didn’t get that from the other thread? Please no bot. I love irc but bots man @_@

I plan on having a functional bot this time. Not something that spams the crap out of the irc. Working on the bot coding atm

So…can we still get on the creative server? Because I tried today and it said that I wasn’t on the whitelist. And is this IP up and running now so we can get on it? And when are we going to go public? After this map switch I hope.

It’s getting set up by Spec and Kyle right now. Plugins, permissions, etc.

Uh… It is actually all Special’s project. I would love to help more but it’s almost all stuff only he can access.

XD Dang I miss a lot when my home Internet goes out :stuck_out_tongue: Also, I would kinda like having maybe a connected chat between survival and creative. One more thing, aren’t both of the worlds going to be completely different, just connected by world warps?

Yes different worlds (my understanding). I believe we will use portals though to connect to the other world.

Well, joint chat has its benefits and problems
Might bring some bits of the community together more, those who spend more time on creative than survival, and the other way round.
Easy in some ways for events “Hey! We’re doing zombie run on survival! Come join!”

Builds might be unrelated, and cause confusion in some ways “Wan’t to build a mob farm?” “Sure!.. oh, you meant in creative? Nah no thanks.”
And general spam between different stuff going on.

If it is connected you just have to pay more careful attention, its actually not to hard to follow

Dont like it, too much chat is just too much chat. So hard to keep a conversation when 8+ people are talking at once.

I mean if you wanna chat with people on the opposite server, just go on the damn forum, see whos on, and go to the server yourself. Gawd why must it be so much more complicated than it should be D:<

And if you just HAVE to talk to the other server, use the map. :stuck_out_tongue:

Its the same server. But with two worlds

The chat is connected I think. If it is, I know the chat will say where the chat is coming from. I.E. “(survival) Kyle8910: Hi Guys!”

Something like that.