Server Ranks

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Attention PCB: Server ranks are now linked with the website forum.

If your current display name does not match your in-game minecraft username, please change it accordingly. The server will auto detect and update your in-game rank upon login.

Be sure to change your display name, not your username:

This only applies to the Creative server until the Survival server is ready.

Anyone who does not have their rank auto updated, please post below (particularly Trusted as we did not have a forum group for that previously).

Edit: Oh and the server is currently having some technical difficulties. It’ll be back up shortly.
Edit by Kyle: Shortly being defined as 4 hours since this edit. A plugin broke and only Andy can fix it. The other creative server is still up if you want to play. -
Edit by Andy: The server is now back up and running.

[attachment deleted by admin due to data loss]

Is the something wrong with the server cause i cannot connect?

its down right now :wink:

Still?? Ugh…

It turns out my tooth was just nothing, i think. Im getting it checked out today :smiley: And D: the server still dowm :frowning:

Sorry all, we knew the first releases would be buggy. Thankfully, both Liam and I have a lot more control on troubleshooting the server. I believe I have found the problem, but cannot force shutdown the process directly.

We will update when it’s fixed!

Server is now back up and running. The problem was caused by an incompatible plugin which kept reinstalling itself onto the server.

I am missing my trusted rank. I am currently a member.

I have the same issue as whubily :frowning: When i log on it makes me a member when I am trusted.



P.S. My account name is correct


Just curious why trusted has 5 dot things while mods have 3 and ops 4 xD
I’m guessing you guys haven’t got around to fixing it yet.

Thats a good question :stuck_out_tongue:

I will look into it. The trusted rank was just created, so I assume something was missed.

Edit: I fixed the problem.

well my user name is correct so idk if it says im a member

Sacred, it looks like yours is set correctly. You should not have a problem.

My display name is correct but i havent been able to log on since I updated could that be why it doesnt show my rank below my name on the forums?

well my name is zingwoof2 but i made a accidental one with the name zingwof2 so i cant change my name to zingwoof2 plz help :frowning:

Updated your display name to zingwoof2. That should work now

Not sure about yours Leo, the server just doesn’t pick it up sometimes

Could someone rank me back to donator? I was down-ranked because the reseting of their commands but its fine now.

the comands for donator r back?