Server Advert

Its your site, so what you say goes. Sip’s in no way “builds the consumer” to the extend that mine does. I wasn’t aware there’s a standard for server adverts to abide to. The blue is the same one used in the logo, i used my own hex match exe to make sure of that. Throw some ideas out and get someone to knock it up. Also ,the balance part is vital. Its meant to be left justified due to the “supernova” light effect in the corner. It suggests progression in terms of graphology. i’ve already agreed its over complex, but the content is more appealing than just, build… just like every server in the world. I’m more qualified to made adds for like, organised events or band shit, If you want something more “Word-art” ask someone like liam or goof :slight_smile:

I like what you guys are doing and am glad to see cooperation. I too think Red’s first draft had issues. Too much text, and I could not figure out how I was supposed to read it. I thought it read “Build Friendly staff”.

The images liam used are good. I think they could be overlayed a bit to save space. As I have said before, I think our website/forums are one of the best features to accompany the servers.

The points of focus that might get my attention are:
anti-grief measures
restricted PvP
an economy system
moderate community.

I say moderate, because I turn away from massive, popular servers. There is just too much going on at once in those. The term “clusterfuck” fits I think.

Side note: Liam and Fatso, when I read Red saying “treetop looks like shit”, I agreed instantly. You know why? Because I believed he was referring to the messed up image in Liam’s submission. Even he admitted the compression messed with it.

Agreed, that’s exactly what i meant. and er, the thing i think you guys are going for, slightly differently to what i would do myself, is more towards that model yes. But like me, ouhai, and now kyle have all said is, you need sat least a little something more to differentiate this server. I think perhaps the model with the three images, but three new images showing, the market for the money system, the community, perhaps have a small group of us together for the image and then a single image of an “epic” build. that encompasses all the ideas, and i think will yield the best results, whilst still being persuasive enough to “build the consumer” but with a simple graphic approach. Also id try to fuck maybe a little with typography like someone mentioned before, use the minecraft font, but keep it simple.

  • Edit: also kyle, yes i agree, it was difficult to read at first :L

I was hoping to avoid the most of the common words such as “Build”, “Create”, “Community”, and of course “Epic”.

All of those words pretty much apply to all MC servers. Just being a MC server itself means those things or is implied by the images we include.

How about, have the screenshots with people in them. Then you can have less text, as it is implied that it is a community, as people are shown working together. Then also have the website url, which implies forums. That will cut out a lot of text, but still have the information.

Well I’m not sure if I should be mentioning this in a public thread or not, but we were going to try and not keep it a secret forever. I was thinking that maybe if we had the staff Hq finished, we could show that off. Then maybe have a pic of the admins eIther doing something or just their characters placed somewhere on the pic. Then we could maybe have a little gif animation going on somewhere on this thing. I kinda like the idea of sticking around the three images, but we can still have some stuff going on in the background. Well my three ideas for the three main pics would have to be… The staff hq, maybe the market place, and perhaps a City in progress or something To do with greifs.

Well a staff hq is something that most servers don’t have. It would be a.great thing to set us apart from all the other servers.

A gif that slowly fades would be okay
nothing like those fucking WOW and mmo things

I would not call our Staff HQ a success until it is actually used frequently. The problem is, no one is going to be impressed by just one building or what it is for. Plus, the HQ is theoretical right now.

I love it ggg! No, seriously. The simplicity made me laugh. It actually might make people interested.

I won’t actually vote for it, but it’s still funny.

Tbh, I still think mine is the most persuasive. If you want to attract players, you need some damn captions :L That’s how it works. You gotta use a technique called synthetic personalisation, it makes the reader think what they’re reading is perfect for them. The more positives you give about the server the better its gonna persuade people. Tbh, images are only going to detract from this, unless it draws attention to the point your making. This is why mines white washed in the background. for once guys, take my word on something and incorporate some of my ads ideas into your own. Thanks guys, only trying to help y’out. Red

omg i just saw this, and i have to say im loving the Treetop Love. thanks a lot everyone! =D

Not being hurtful red but your picture bores me its so… bland >.< I like gggeeee’s and sip’s a lot more :stuck_out_tongue:

you are a lil’ bit though

I wasn’t trying to. >.> All I’m saying is it needs some pizaz to it. xD Well there’s one other thing it’s that yours isn’t persuasive… at all to me >.> (that’s just me though)

thats fair man, its not aimed at a younger audience, thats my point. I do ad shiz for like… adults and old people; pub shit. Thats where i need you guys to co-operate with meh :smiley: <3