September Building Contest

I know I missed August, but it’s been a hectic month for me…
This month’s challenge is to…

[glow=red,2,300]Build a School![/glow]

[size=18pt]Competition rules:
Entries can be built by one player or by a group.
For this contest, you may build on the creative map or the survival map, but no WorldEdit is to be used in the build.
Texture packs may be used to ‘enhance’ looks of creations. The name and a download link to the texture pack used must be included in your entry.
Entries must be submitted by the end of this month (Midnight of 30th September GMT)
Entries are to be submitted as a response to this post including an image and co-ordinates of your creation.

I couldn’t host a competition and not have any prizes! Nobody would take it seriously (If people competed at all) So here is a list of proposed prizes (subject to change):

1st place:
The honour of having the school placed in the Lobby for all guests to see.

2nd place:
The honour of having the school placed in the current BigCity.

So no prizes for August? :frowning: I spent a lot getting the resources for our build.

I’ll do that some point this week.

Sweet. This gives me the option to finish PCB high… In big city…

:smiley: time to get down to business

what will be a fun one.

JW who won the Airship contest… i know it wasn’t me, mine was too big to do within the timelimit, but i was curious

Bumpidy bump

lol sip. Who won this anyway? Or is it still going on? :stuck_out_tongue:

Its still happening, notice its still september :wink:

Still no August prizes

Blegh, I promise it will be done some point this year. I know that’s a broad time limit but honestly its the only one i’ll probably stick to with the amount of stuff in my life right now :confused:

Same, have almost no time at all to do anything on the weekdays and starting to get even less so on the weekends. Trying to keep Sunday so I can relax.

You have till the end of this week to finish and submit your entries :slight_smile:

You have just over 15 hours left!!!

So who won? I noticed it was no longer September :wink:

Well nobody entered…

Well that’s sad… Remember though, a lot of members had difficulty getting on at all due to life issues. Let’s hope the October contest fares better. Perhaps we should designate a location for the builds to go? It might encourage others to join in.