See ya soon peeps :/


Lately I am running out of inspiration, so I am taking a small break from PCB and focusing on imporoving on other servers and get to spend some time with friends on other servers.

This is not the only reason I am taking a break, I am also trying to get to go to Bonn for a softball competition and represent my school there, so I will be practicing a lot to try my best.
I have a lot of tests and stuff going on atm, so yea.

I will be pretty active on forums and discord chat, and might pop in too see how’s everything going.

Love you alls.


See you in 3 days :slight_smile:

Ahahahaha, maybe a bit more :stuck_out_tongue:

Hopefully we will see ourselves in that few hours!

Too bad :frowning:
I hope you can play your games for PSL tho…

Just as I returned you have to leave!!

Bye dan, miss you.

Mal, it’s fine. I have time to play videogames, the problem is that I am having a small break from PCB because I don’t feel like building at the moment and have no inspiration. Although if you tell me when the game is, I can pop on and play the games when you tell me to :).

Goodbye Dan. I hope you do great things with your school in Bonn.

Bye Dan see ya soon and best of luck with everything!! =D

I meant trying to go to Bonn to compete versus other schools for my school (Luxembourg) lol