Yas, so this did not happen today… xD

Let’s do this on Saturday the 27th.

In which case I can’t make it.

Also you never gave me a person to give shit to…

There’s a 90% chance I won’t be on on the 27th either. And I never got a partner as well.


I also might not be able to make it on the 27th, maybe we could just give our partners (if we got one) the gifts whenever possible or put them in chests for the partners to collect at the location. (Plus we need a warp to the location)

Saturday the 27th at Niko’s place it is :smiley:


i vote maybe january 1st? or new years eve

yeah i also think we should do it a bit later because some people are going to still be visiting family and busy

Alright wel how about January 1? Also Ruby, I will check that. I manually swapped everyone’s name so I could have messed up a bit. Sorry about that.

I’m away from the 27th until the 3rd. I’ve put my gift in a chest at Niko’s place though.

I haven’t received a partner either. Meeeee tooooo :smiley:

Really? The first. I am going to be hung-over all day. Not a good day.

What time on the 1st and coords for niko’s house?

Yeah, got grounded. :confused: Not gonna be on today or for a couple of days.

No One Will Have Time To Be On Until After The New Year So I Think We Should Just Give The Person We Were Assigned They’re Gift And Call It A Day :stuck_out_tongue:


You Don’t Have To Capitalise The First Letter Of Every Word.

It actually makes it a lot harder to read.

Also on the 1st, I’ll be in a car all day.
When I get my secret santa person I’ll just leave them a gift under the tree and they can open it whenever.

Well I Do So Whatever :stuck_out_tongue: It Makes It Look Fancy (Well At Least It Does To me)


I am going to a new years eve party at my Church and it is a all nighter I will be zonked. so I cant do Jan. 1 sorry :confused: