I shall partake pls Love the christams <3

I shall try to be there!

[size=18pt]I’m in :smiley:

Why not ;D
Im in :smiley:

Like the idea… :wink:
sure… ill join in the funzz



I Want To Be Part Of It I Got 2 Presents Ready :slight_smile: :smiley: xD ~Jm199959

Late join… but YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS i’ll try to be online there still im IN ppl. Phew not too late


[move]Just a reminder, the deadline is today! WOOP WOOP![/move]

Alright! I am sending out to everyone the player you are getting a gift for! You have until December 21st to gather the gifts and then we will be celebrating together in Niko’s capital building! More details about the venue to follow.

Also, I only got through half tonight. The rest will be out tomorrow.

May be useful to add a warp at the location…

Yeah, definitely. I can’t find it…

Also will there be chests at the location or will we directly give the gifts?

I was thinking that we would all gather, and just talk while passing around the gifts. However, if anyone would like any input feel free to comment down below. Also, I will make the warp for yall. :slight_smile:

That could get quite chaotic if people are just throwing items to each other. Incoming arguments about mixed up gifts and stealing etc. Would be nice to have a load of people on at the same time though, but it would be best to stick with chests and names. Perhaps a specific area within the building for the secret santa stuff?

Yeah. I still need to talk to Niko about where in the building this will take place. Many presents are already under the tree. We could (A) put them in a different place so they can be seperate OR (B) put all the gifts there for a mass gift opening.

I’d say put them there, but in their own corner of the room or something to keep them separate.

So this still going down tomorrow? Give me the deets plz.