Sorry for the caps, but I have decided to change the time of the Christmas surprise to 5:00 pm my time, I think it’s about -6 on the timezone, since I live in texas. PLEASE BE AT MY CHRISTMAS SURPRISE. I will be sure to be on almost all day so i can correct the time miss understanding. Since this probably doesn’t make too much since i will try to help people understand tomorrow. I hope to see you all there.

I WILL NOT be able to make it. We leave at 11AM for family tomorrow.

This is 3PM PST. Or 11PM GMT to do conversions from.

7AM tomorrow(I’m GMT+8)? I can make it. :smiley:

Don’t know if I can make it. Depends how ‘RAGEJKNDSFJRAGE’ my parents are about me going to bed at a ‘reasonable hour’.

I think that I can make it but I am not sure…
Hope I can make it!

That is 3pm my time. I can make it. My work starts later than that. See you soon.

I think changing the time made it worse, but since i wasn’t able to get at 12:00 cuz of internet problems aka my mom not letting on the internet. i will try to get on at 5:00, even if i have to come out here in the freezing cold. Maybe ill just beg my mom to let me on the internet.